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MS Hi Res Code
flak monkey - 8/5/09 at 08:12 AM

Anyone using the hi res code? Any differences other than not being able to use PWM injector control?

Thinking it might offer benefits on the duratec install.


GeoffT - 8/5/09 at 08:36 AM

Yep, I'm using the hi-res code. I found that at tickover I was needing pulsewidths of around 1.6ms, and the 0.1 steps of the standard code were just too big to get a good even idle.

TBH unless you specifically need the flyback control (which most people don't) I can't see a reason NOT to use the hi-res version....

flak monkey - 8/5/09 at 11:29 AM

So does this simply mean that you just use the HR version of Megatune, and update the firmware on the ecu to use the code?

This then lets you use 1 decimal place in the VE table?

BenTyreman - 8/5/09 at 12:46 PM

The VE/Spark tables for all versions of MS are stored using 8 bit ints (0-255). Typical VE values are likely to be over 20, making the 5% error relatively small.

The extra precision is used in the calculation of the actual pulsewidths. Instead of the PW changing in 0.1ms increments (17% of a 1.6ms injection), the precision is 0.035ms (6%).

As stated, the extra precision comes at the expense of removing the flyback control, which means you can only use high impedance injectors (unless you buy extra hardware).

To use the code just drop in the new Megatune INI file included with the code (or get TunerStudio) and reflash the ECU.

Check out for all the details.

flak monkey - 8/5/09 at 05:03 PM

So is there any difference in how you enter values into the VE table then? Doesnt seem to mention anything about it on the ms extra site?

My injectors are high impedance anyway so I dont need the PWM flyback control.

BenTyreman - 8/5/09 at 05:10 PM

Off the top of my head there is no difference in the Megatune interface except that the injector PWM options are removed.

Download the code and run a diff on the INI files to see what is different.

BenTyreman - 8/5/09 at 05:34 PM

Looking at the diff of the INI files (hr_11c2 and 029y5), the exact changes are:

There will probably be a few internal tweaks as well, but those listed are the only things externally visible.