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megasquirt cable length and mounting
hughpinder - 15/5/09 at 07:28 AM

Hi all,

Just started assembling my megasquirt. In the manual, it says don't mount it in the engine bay because it will overheat. I was planning to bolt it to the side of my air box on the side nearest the outside of the car, the idea being that its cooled by the air flow through the alloy air box.
If I put it behind the dash, all my instrument/control wiring will be about 2m long (because its a mid engined car, so it'll have to run up the tunnel).
Has anyone:
a) any idea if its ok for the wiring to be so long?
b) experience of putting the MS in the engine bay?

Thanks for any input

flak monkey - 15/5/09 at 07:46 AM

No problems using long wires on the MS. just dont make them too thin as you will get excessive voltage drops. I used 0.25mm for all the low voltage signals (TPS, temp etc) and 0.5mm for everything else other than the main earths which are 3x1mm.


hughpinder - 15/5/09 at 08:16 AM

Thanks Flak

I'll make sure I make the cables thicker if I go for the 'remote' mount then. I'd still prefer to keep the wiring short, so if anyone has had one in the engine bay for a while with no problems, I'd like to hear about it


phoenix70 - 15/5/09 at 10:56 AM

I could be wrong on this, but your not meant to put it in the engine bay due to heat build up there and the fact it isn't waterproof



martyn_16v - 18/5/09 at 11:11 AM

As far as I can remember, the only part on a MS1 that isn't rated to 'normal' automotive temperature ranges is the processor itself, but on an MS2 it's all fine. The only problem left is it not being waterproof, this could be solved by using a different case and connectors, some people have managed to squeeze the boards into a gutted OEM ECU case.

Cable lengths of a few metres are fine, you'd struggle to install in most tin-tops without at least some of the cabling approaching 4m or so.

Is there nowhere reasonably dry near the engine bay, maybe on the bulkhead behind/under the seats?

hughpinder - 18/5/09 at 11:43 AM

I could bolt it to the back of the seats, but thats immediately above the exhaust manifold! I will be putting some insulation there to stop my back being cooked, so the finall answer may be to put it the other side of that
