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Bit OT, Megasquirt on Outboard Engine
gazzarose - 9/7/09 at 10:32 PM

Hi guys,

Bit OF.

I work in a boat sales/service place, and we recently had a customer with a problem with his outboard not revving under load, and it turned out to be the ECU, which for a new one was circa 900 quid, so the guy took the opportunity to upgrade to a new engine.

Thing is, we've still got the engine, but its useless without an ECU. Sooo, I was thinkig vould something like megasquirt work on it? I don't know anything about megasquirt, what does it need to work?


blakep82 - 9/7/09 at 10:35 PM

if its an injection engine i don't see why not. might be a struggle getting all the sensors and trigger wheel in though.

i know nothing about outboards though

Jasongray5 - 9/7/09 at 10:38 PM

OHHHH now there sounds a project!
As long as it was injected, you had a crank position, air temp, coolant temp, lambda sensor theres no reason why not!!
Just keep it away from the salty drink...!?

gazzarose - 9/7/09 at 10:41 PM

It injections already, so I'd imagine It should have crank sensors and stuff. I'll have a chat to my boss and see whats happening with it. If I can make it 'dissapear' then I could probably find something to do with it,lol.

I've got manuals somewhere for the engine so Il have a look if I have chance.

Thanks for the replies, now go to bed, its a school night,lol.


Jasongray5 - 9/7/09 at 10:42 PM

What make/model is it? And most important, what HP???

blakep82 - 9/7/09 at 10:45 PM

its never a school nite, every days a saturday for me

rf900rush - 10/7/09 at 06:30 AM

I have considered at this as well.
Should be possible.
Carbed Outboard could use megajolt.

My needs are the same.
Had a Suzuki DT200 (1988) with a dead CDI (ECU). Ended up buying many ebay bits for it, just to get a CDI.
Now got enough parts to build a second engine minus a CDI

Mine are Carb'ed, so one day may try MS.
Just saving for a Engine Gasket Set 1st.

I think ,what you would need is a TPS, Crank sensor , water and air temperature sensors, and may be a MAP sensor. (built into MS).


gazzarose - 10/7/09 at 07:00 AM

The engine is a Suzuki DF60, so would be good on a small speed boat.

Il have a look through the manuals and see whats what, then convince my boss he wants shot of it,lol.

Thanks for the replies


owelly - 10/7/09 at 08:53 AM

Does the DF60 have two pick-up coils for the spark? If so, it may be the high speed coil that has given up.

James - 10/7/09 at 09:34 AM

Boat engines been done plenty of times according to the MS forum/website.

will121 - 10/7/09 at 04:44 PM

what about option of repairing the orignal ecu?
ECU repairer

gazzarose - 11/7/09 at 07:05 AM

Thanks for the replies guys,

Il show my boss everything and see what he says.

Would be nice to get it running again.

