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Megasquirt help needed
myeates - 16/8/09 at 06:29 PM

Hi all I have finally got my megasquirt all wired up an ready for tuning but I have no idea where to start megatune seems very hard to understand and can't seem to make any sense of the instructions they seem like there not for the right bit of software

anyone got any recomendations to help me get started or can recommend a different bit of software

My engine is a 1.3 crossflow with gpz throttle bodies and 1.4 vw polo injectors (anybody know the flow rate?)

thanks in advance



Metal Hippy - 16/8/09 at 06:41 PM


I suggest you have a wander into here:

Very useful place.

jonesier1 - 16/8/09 at 07:47 PM

Hope you have more luck than me and plenty of patience

myeates - 16/8/09 at 07:51 PM

Patience running out. Even the software seems to complicated but need it running now

omega0684 - 16/8/09 at 09:10 PM

r u running MS-1 or MS-2?

you have to find out what the flow rate of the injectors are as you will need to input the values into the basic constants page to get the req fuel values.

make sure you read the MS Manual on have a good read threw

u2u me if your still struggling

best of luck


myeates - 16/8/09 at 09:24 PM

It's ms 2 will read that manual have been using the one on the megasquirt site but doesn't seem that good seems to not give the info for the upto date software

thanks may be u2uing you thanks

RobLyon - 26/8/09 at 10:48 AM

Tuner studio seems to have a more logical layout and has less revisions so the manual is more likely to be up to date etc

