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replacement for VB921?
joscorstjens - 18/4/10 at 09:52 PM

Hi, I -somehow- managed to blow (partially) one of the two VB921's on my MSQ1 wasted spark setup. Moreover, I think they can not deliver enough current to reach saturation on the coils. Where do I find a replacement? I have difficulties to find BIP373 or ISL9V5036 or VB921. So:
1. what would be a good replacement?
2. where can I buy it?

Doofus - 18/4/10 at 10:25 PM

If you need some VB921s I have some spare, but I've heard the other two are better.

joscorstjens - 22/4/10 at 11:31 PM

thx, I think I found one in the mean time

flak monkey - 23/4/10 at 07:00 AM

The only reason VB921s blow is if your dwell is too long, so reduce that to around 3.2ms before you fit new.

I would source BIP drivers as they are more resistant to longer dwells and cut out if overheating rather than just frying.

They are available from the US fairly cheaply.


Jenko - 23/4/10 at 07:21 AM

Just use an EDIS which is very much designed for the job and very reliable.