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eec-iv map extraction?
baz-R - 12/12/10 at 02:48 PM

i have been trying to find if it is possible to look at the program of my eec-iv ecu
have googled it but dont seem to be able to fine what im after
i know people have remaped them so there must be a way of getting a map out or even just view whats what
any one have any idea or have a linkey?

oadamo - 12/12/10 at 03:32 PM

Originally posted by baz-R
i have been trying to find if it is possible to look at the program of my eec-iv ecu
have googled it but dont seem to be able to fine what im after
i know people have remaped them so there must be a way of getting a map out or even just view whats what
any one have any idea or have a linkey?

ive been looking into this all morning aswell lol iam trying to find out how to map a ford focus for a supercharger. f not i will have to go standalone.

MikeR - 12/12/10 at 03:35 PM

Are you sure its possible to remap the ford system? I know the audi system can remap but i thought ford used a read only memory system.

Chippy - 12/12/10 at 05:36 PM

Ford EEC IV is not re-mapable. My R/R guy looked into this at some depth and even went to Ford's technical section to see if he could get hold of the code to unlock it, but with no luck. HTH Ray

big_wasa - 12/12/10 at 05:47 PM

Have a google for some of the usa sites. Its been done but its some very complex electronics.


There is more info out there.

[Edited on 12/12/10 by big_wasa]

baz-R - 12/12/10 at 10:26 PM

are people bypassing the imoblisers on eec-iv by hardware then? im pritty sure i have seen reprog ecus out there maybe thair a chip swap job?

just found this

[Edited on 12/12/10 by baz-R]

oadamo - 12/12/10 at 10:52 PM

anyone no anymore info on this, ive got a kwp2000 remap tool but fords are not listed in the program.

big_wasa - 13/12/10 at 07:40 PM

I am not aware of any hardware Pats bypass on a Ford.