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CarlM - 29/3/11 at 12:37 PM


Just finishing adding GXSR 750 TB's + MSquirt on a Zetec and have a couple of questions;

Anyone got any advice on fitting the throttle cable?

What has everybody else used for Trumpets?

Looking for genius idea's i've not though of for both.



coozer - 29/3/11 at 12:50 PM

Same setup here.

I used the bike cable with a solderless nipple at the pedal end.

My 750 TB's came with decent trumpets. Yours come without? Ebay may help.

CarlM - 29/3/11 at 02:17 PM


pedal end is OK, more thinking about TB end.

TB's didn't come with trumpets, might have to search ebay

coozer - 29/3/11 at 02:52 PM

Here's mine, thinking about my tb's didn't come with the trumpets. I had to go on the bay and buy an airbox.

Standard throttle cable with a car choke cable.

chasmon - 29/3/11 at 03:50 PM

I have 4 like the ones in the left of the picture below if you're interested.

For reference they're from a GSXR 1000 but fit the 750.

The 750 has two shorter (like the other one in the picture) and two longer ones.

carl M - 30/3/11 at 07:48 AM


That would be great, I'll take them (assuming there not £250 each!)

Contact me at; mayes [dot] carl @ gmail [dot] com or 07710 998143 to arrange payment / delivery.

Interestingly my TB's seem to open in the oppsite direction. From the pics you'rs open clockwise, mine open anti - clockwise.

Thanks for you help
