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Screw in fuel connectors
Staple balls - 27/7/12 at 07:51 PM

Right, I have a messy fuel setup atm, my fuel tank has an 8mm barb on it, my pump needs a 12mm pipe, so right now it's going

Tank > 8mm hose > 8-12mm adaptor > 12mm hose > Pump > 8mm hose.

Which sucks, I'd like to replace the connector from the tank with a 12mm one. Obviously, I'd rather not have to weld on a used fuel tank (that and I can't weld alu) and I'm feeling cheap, so a new tank is out of the question.

Aim is

Tank > 12mm hose > Pump > 8mm hose.

So are there any decent (non-leaky) screw in fuel connector type things that'd do the job?

Additional thought: are the dodgy alu-welding stick things up to the job of sticking a new barb on?


[Edited on 27/7/12 by Staple balls]

Dusty - 27/7/12 at 10:48 PM

Getting a swirlpot with a 12mm outlet and a low pressure lifter pump to fill it might be the least explosive solution.

big-vee-twin - 28/7/12 at 08:42 AM

I did the same using a fuel filter with 8mm in 12mm out