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Megasquirt question
madteg - 17/5/13 at 05:06 PM

How do you turn the lamba feed back completely off,
THanks Kev.

big-vee-twin - 17/5/13 at 05:15 PM

You can choose different EGO sensors in the software - I use tuner Studio.

So in the EGO sensor type choose disabled

paulf - 17/5/13 at 08:03 PM

I would just turn the setting controller authority to 0 in the EGO settings and active above to 10,000rpm.
You could still log the readings but it will not affect the fuel table.

dave_424 - 17/5/13 at 08:48 PM

Tuner studio, basic setting, right at the bottom called EUGO (sp?) control then dissable

coyoteboy - 18/5/13 at 11:20 AM

as Paulf said, just give the controller 0 authority and it can't alter anything but will continue to read out.