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Jenvey throttle body worth
Shooter63 - 19/2/17 at 03:04 PM

At the moment the engine is running a std pair of jenvey throttle bodies, in the future I may need a shorter set, what sort of money do you guys think they are worth, it will be just the bodies with injectors.


slingshot2000 - 19/2/17 at 03:56 PM

What engine have you had these on, and what power was it making? Could be interested if you decide on a price.


Shooter63 - 19/2/17 at 05:29 PM

They are on a std zetec silvertop, it makes 160bhp, but it's only the throttle bodies I'm thinking of selling, for upgrades I need either shorter bodies or a shorter manifold.


Rena - 19/4/17 at 06:15 PM

Still available? Price?