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Megasquirt conversion
omega0684 - 14/1/06 at 09:05 PM

what is a megasquirt conversion?


paulf - 14/1/06 at 09:18 PM

Megasquirt is a DIY fuel injection system .The ECU is buit from scratch and most other parts can be sourced from other vechiles, I am using Kawasaki throttle bodys, a home made manifold and vauxhall fuel pump ,sensors etc.
There is a big Megasquirt community, try a search for megasquirt and you will find lots of info.

stevebubs - 6/2/06 at 01:28 AM

MS Forums

Megasquirt Main Pages

Almost finished building my MSnS-E which should fire up my zetec. Just need a couple of extra bits...