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What would you call this?
emsfactory - 11/3/06 at 07:54 PM

It's been a long week and my brain is broken.

I have made a fuel tank with one fuel outlet. the outet has a little flair thing on it to help stop the hose coming off.
What would you call this? It's not forced into shape but machined from solid.

CommanderAce - 11/3/06 at 08:07 PM


emsfactory - 11/3/06 at 08:10 PM

Are barbs not sharp and jaggy?
Its not a flair cos it wasn't flaired and its pointier than an olive.

I know I know it just dont at the minute.

cossey - 11/3/06 at 08:14 PM

that is a barb.

emsfactory - 11/3/06 at 08:21 PM

Well there you go. Cheers guys. i'm off to lie down now.

planetester - 11/3/06 at 09:49 PM

its called a bead in the aircraft industry, here a tool that makes them.

Lightning - 11/3/06 at 09:57 PM

I'll call it Brian.