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Omex wiring question
blockhead_rich - 19/4/06 at 08:05 PM

Urgent question seeing as Omex themselves are not available in the evening.

I've now got hold of a second hand Omex 500 ECU and I just need a quick pointer as to the wiring of the injectors. From the manual I either a white or brown wire goes to each injector but where does the second wire emminate from? Would this simply be an earth?

Also, seeing as I bought my ECU second hand, I can firmly recommend OMEX, their customer service has been truly excellent!


BKLOCO - 19/4/06 at 08:17 PM

Hi Rich having fun then
I'm not sure about Omex but generally it's a live and the ECU grounds the ingector.
Regarding your other post don't worry if you f**k up your coil pack plug I've got a couple of spares so you can destroy one finding out how you should take it apart

blockhead_rich - 19/4/06 at 09:09 PM

OK then Brian, I'll get my hammer out unless anyone comes up with a better idea before then!

Thanks for the tip re injector wiring. I guess I'm getting there but very very slowly!


Dusty - 19/4/06 at 11:10 PM

I have an omex ECU and it is switched ignition live to each injector and the brown to 1/4 and white (yellow in my loom) to 2/3.