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zx6r thrttle body questions
02GF74 - 21/6/06 at 09:39 AM

Right some numpty questions about zx6r throttle bodies.

vacuum hose?
vacuum hose?

Each throttle body has two vacuum ports; 2 are blocked off, 4 are tee-ed together and go to one black thingy that has to be some pressure (vacuum) transducer.

The other 2 (mioddle bodies) are connected together but the tubing does not go anywhere - but there is a second pressure transducer - should the pipe be connected to that or is there something missing?

Why are there two pressure transducers?

what's with all the wires?
what's with all the wires?

There seems to be lots more wires than is needed - all the injectors have common wire (12 V) and a second wire so that 5 is all you need - yet the connector is jammed packed with about 16 wires - why so many?

Has anyone got the pin connections for the other connectors (TPS and pressure)?

lower cam lever?
lower cam lever?

There is a second cam thingy, seen in lower part of photo - what is the purpose of that? It moves the main throttle disc a tiny amount when operated - why? (something to do with cold starting)

motorised choke?
motorised choke?

There appears what I guess to be a motorised choke disc with its own position sensor - is that right?
Is this for cold starting? Did I read that this can be removed along with the discs?


02GF74 - 23/6/06 at 11:04 AM

nobody not have any idea????

surely they can;lt be taht different to any other throttle body??????