I'm after a new injection fuel pump for my zetec. Could anyone recommend one that produces around 3 bar of pressure that has 8mm inlet and
outlets, as I don't want to have to re-pipe my van.
Use an adaptor? then most would be OK.
Well, there is that. I could get hold of a capri 2.8i pump but the inlet is 15mm and outlet is 12mm. I don't really want to have a series of adapters, but it is an option.
I've ended up with a 12mm inlet and 8mm outlet
That's from a pump from a pug 405 Mi16 amongst others.
I used an xr4i pump that had a 15mm inlet and 8mm outlet , I found that it had an adapter on the inlet that is removable and then it comes down to
12mm on the inlet which seems more of a standard.The removable bit is just a plastic sleeve.
Originally posted by ZetecVan
Well, there is that. I could get hold of a capri 2.8i pump but the inlet is 15mm and outlet is 12mm. I don't really want to have a series of adapters, but it is an option.
Mine is a 40L rangerover one that only cost 50quid new from southern carbs i think it has got 12mm inlet and 8mm outlet i took the tank out and chopped and drilled out the outlet and welded in a bigger outlet pipe as i was told by southern carbs that injection pumps dont like sucking and they have to have a nice high volume flow and the pump idealy has to be mounted lower than the tank give them a bell on 0208 5402723 they are very helpfull.
Thanks for all your replies. I'll give Southern Carbs a call and see what they've got.