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Megajolt box
David Jenkins - 17/7/06 at 09:49 AM

Has anyone found a suitable enclosure from a UK supplier for the standard Megajolt PCB? Maplins ideally, as I have a branch just around the corner from the office.

I was about to order the 'proper one' from Brent Picasso, until I realised that by the time you've added the delivery charge the cost rises to roughly £25 - a bit OTT for a basic ali case!


rayward - 17/7/06 at 09:58 AM

yes maplins do one, you have to cut approx 10mm off one end, and its a little wider than the board, but it will fit.

mj box
mj box


David Jenkins - 17/7/06 at 11:37 AM

That looks very suitable - is it one of these?

Will the pressure sensor fit inside that case?


rayward - 17/7/06 at 11:51 AM

yes thats the ones, map sensor fits in fine.


paulf - 17/7/06 at 09:58 PM

I use them also, due to the extra width I make a pair of plastic packing peices with a slot milled in them to locate the board.These are slotted in either side of the case .I think it is preferable to locating the board in a metal slot as in the case as it could be possible for the board to short on the case as the + and _ rails are on ether side of the board and only insulated by the solder resist.
box size required is 120 x 78 x 43.