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where to start
dougal - 16/8/06 at 12:23 PM

Hi guys

im getting to a point where im thinking about the management system.

i want to build a megasquirt system but where do i start. my spec is:

20xe with home made throttle bodies and a t28 turbo.

i have the std CPS and a TPS on the bodies and also a knock sensor (as its a turbo)

i also have a PSA dis block and i will run cossie injectors.

what bits do i buy (i want to build it) and how will i go about getting it running etc.

i have lots of experience etc with mechanical automotive engineering but im looking forward to getting into the electronics.

Please be kind to the un-informed.


BKLOCO - 16/8/06 at 12:55 PM

Sorry to be blunt but the answer to your question is start HERE.
The only way to get to grips with MegaSquirt is to
When yo think you've read all you can...Read it all again....
there just aint any shortcuts.