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How to mount trigger wheel?
scutter - 26/10/06 at 06:01 PM

To be honest, I'm stumped. How can i mount a trigger wheel to my Ali bottom pulley? The main problem is that the bolt is recessed.

Any answers/soloutions would be gratefully recieved.

ATB Dan.


flak monkey - 26/10/06 at 06:02 PM

Make a spacer on the lathe and get a longer bolt?


marc laptop - 26/10/06 at 06:03 PM

is there room to bolt it behind the pulley ??? just done the same for a mate on his v8 engine, machined out the trigger wheel and bolted through the back

best regards

big_wasa - 26/10/06 at 06:07 PM

See Link Oh and if you havnt got one yet? I have a new one with sensor that I decided not to use

paulf - 26/10/06 at 06:34 PM

I would turn a register on the wheel to fit into the pulley centre bore and then with it located drill and tap six 3 or 4 mm holes through the wheel into the pulley and secure it with cap screws.

scutter - 26/10/06 at 06:37 PM

Outstanding gentleman, knew i could rely on you.

Aother cheeky question, does anyone know that the threads are for the front pulley bolt and timing gear cover on a crossflow?

ATB Dan.