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Are all VR sensors the same...?
PeterW - 1/12/06 at 10:26 PM


Due to 'connections' to the auto parts industry, I've been offered a quantity of Volkswagen VR sensors if they are of any use for Magajolt.

Are VW sensors the same as Ford ones, or do I need to use a Ford one with an EDIS unit..?



Fatgadget - 1/12/06 at 10:44 PM

I suspec a VR sensor is a reluctance transducer. Its job basically is to detect the presence or absence of something indusive.

I would say no difference.

Dusty - 2/12/06 at 12:46 AM

Magnetic Variable Reluctance with either standard or high output and that needs to be factored into the hardware. My Omex ECU uses a jumper setting for the output of the sensor.