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Golf Injection Pump
TangoMan - 21/12/06 at 10:49 PM

Does anyone know which pipes are for what.
I am guessing the picture has the unit upside down.
Outlet 1 comes from the filter. I am guessing this is the pipe to the fuel rail
Outlet 2 return feed from pressure regulator
Outlet 3 return feed/breather to tank.
Outlet 4 I think is the inlet from the tank.

[img]/upload/Petrol Pump.jpg[/img]

Do they sound right.

Also, what is the canister on the other side to the filter.

Any info would be appreciated.



Edited because I can't get the photo to attach!!!

[Edited on 21/12/06 by TangoMan]

James - 22/12/06 at 12:16 AM

Pretty sure this was asked by Matt Claydon.

Have a look at his old posts.


Chris_G - 22/12/06 at 12:05 PM

Here's how I did it during my Zetec conversion on my old Westy.....

Chris Rescued attachment Golf Pump Plumbing.jpg
Rescued attachment Golf Pump Plumbing.jpg

martyn_16v - 22/12/06 at 01:40 PM

Sounds like you've got it about right. The two blue lines are definitely the return lines from FPR to tank, and the black are the feed lines. I'll go out to the garage in a sec and look at mine to and check that you've got the tank/engine sides the right way around but I think you have. The other canister is the accumulator.