is there any way of finding out what version of firmware is on a megasquirt 2.2 board?
The laptop seems to read the squirt OK initialy and we saw the TPS moving on the realtime display - but when we try to change values and save them we
get unable to comunicate errors?
I think the only sure way of knowing which firmware you've got is to re-flash it with a known version. In your case you'd want the latest
MSnSextra, or even better the HiRes version of this.
[Edited on 14/1/07 by GeoffT]
Are you using a USB - serial cable?.
If so then you may need to adjust some of the timeout settings.
They are on the MS site, see here
Also see here
well we had to give up in the end,some communications prob,a big thanks to "the committee" for their help today
If you're not seeing any big scary error messages when you start megatune then the firmware is the same version as megatune is configured for,
have a look in settings.ini and msns-extra.ini if you have it.
Does sound like USB-serial converter issue to me, can you confirm if you're using one or not?
were a couple of error messages,i was making tea and handing out bics,robocog and chrisw did the easy bits,dont know what type of cable they used
We are allways blessed with Tea on tap at conrods, the bickies and swiss roll was a nice touch.
I also learnt today how it feels to commit suicide using a petrol engine, you had to be there cough
The msns-extra.ini (or equivilent) file needs to match the firmware version.
This is when you get the warnings that you describe.
eg for 021s you would rename msns-extra.ini.021s to msns-extra.ini then adjust for your configuration.
i think its a software prob and hopefully its sorted now,we will see at the weekend