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Petrol Proof Gasket Compound?
RazMan - 23/1/07 at 05:52 PM

Is there any gasket compund which will not be attacked by petrol? I've got a small leak on the pump flange which will not seal with the naked gasket and needs a little help.

UncleFista - 23/1/07 at 06:41 PM

Yes, I bought some to seal my tank sender and didn't end up using it.

It's in a tube and looks just like your normal blue gasket compound, but says "Safe For All Fuels" on the front. Can't remember the make but I bought it from my local motor factors so it's not a specialist product.

rsk289locost - 23/1/07 at 09:28 PM

Tiger Seal is meant to be petrol proof according to Practical Classics (I think it was).

RazMan - 23/1/07 at 10:15 PM

That's the second time I've heard that Tigerseal can do the job - but surely it will make the joint very hard to break if required in the future.

I was really hoping to find a proper gasket compound for the job, but thanks for the tip.

I'll have another trawl round the moterspares places tomorrow.

Chippy - 23/1/07 at 11:25 PM

The good old standby, RED HERMATITE, will seal almost anything, and its non hardening. Been around for many years, forty to my knowledge, so must have something going for it. I personaly wouldnt use anything else. HTH Ray

DarrenW - 24/1/07 at 11:35 AM

Im almost certain my old neighbour used the red stuff for his fuel tank. Only problem was that when 2 bits were bolted together it squeezed inside which left a thin section. This eventually broke off in pieces and blocked his pump / filters etc. Maybe he used too much??

As above - motor factors should stock various stuff that will be fuel resisitant.