Despite my efforts to check and double check each component before installing it on to the board I went an soldered a capacitor in the wrong place.
Anyway, I was able to successfully remove it without damaging the board but I did wreck the capictor. So, I need to replace it. But where can I buy
just one capictor?
I need a 22PF 200V capacitor with the code 399-1908-ND and 220 marking. Do normal shops like Maplin sell such things?
My local B&Q has got them but you might want to go here 10 for 50p?>
RS components appear to be out of stock on these>
I would imagine maplin would have then. Have a search on there website.
If you need to remove components with low risk of damage to component or PCB you will find that a 'solder sucker' is just the ticket.
See here