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ford escort xr3i plenum mk4
FastBarney - 13/2/07 at 12:08 PM

i can buy this plenum
(for picture see my photo archive) sorry

the guy says it's from a xr3i mk4
Would it fit my Escort injector plate (zetec engine)?

cheers melvin

[Edited on 13/2/07 by FastBarney]

big_wasa - 13/2/07 at 08:08 PM

It has the same port spacings but not the same bolt spacings.

It can be made to fit with an adapter plate.

But why bother.

A Better plenuim would be the one from the 820 Rover. Again will need an adapter plate but these can be bought over the counter...

big_wasa - 13/2/07 at 08:39 PM

This would be direct to head.

britishtrident - 19/2/07 at 03:58 PM

ISTR the cvh to zetec plate is also available off the shelf from the same guy that makes the rover ones.