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Megajolt website changes?
David Jenkins - 19/2/07 at 01:34 PM

Just paid my regular visit to the Megajolt site - and it's all completely changed! Now there's no mention of Brent Picasso, being replaced by "Autosport Labs".

The whole tone is of a commercial venture - anyone here knew that this was coming?


[Edited on 19/2/07 by David Jenkins]

David Jenkins - 19/2/07 at 04:31 PM

I've spent some time having a good look around the redesigned website - it looks like they've notched up the technology a lot. The main site's a wiki, the community area has a conventional forum technology (not much different from this one), but the biggest change is in the 'products' section - no longer a paypal site, now it's a typical on-line sales site. Don't see any individual components yet, only full kits and ready-mades, but maybe that'll come later.

The jury is out....


bob - 19/2/07 at 10:44 PM

David is this the site your talking about or is this the new brent site.


David Jenkins - 20/2/07 at 09:09 AM

Yep - that's Brent's new site.

Unless I've misunderstood what he's said, it looks like he's going to be a lot more commercial in the future - maybe less of an 'open' project?


paulf - 23/2/07 at 07:06 PM

Its not as easy to find information on now and seems a bit fragmented.
It is definitely a move towards a more commercial venture and from what I can make out will not be supplying components anymore, i used to buy PCBs and processors to build units but it now seems as if I will have to make my own with a few modifications I have got a programmer if anyone needs a chip flashing.
Maybe its time i got around to building a self contained ignition only module that doesnt rely on the ford parts which are getting harder to obtain.

David Jenkins - 23/2/07 at 07:26 PM

Correct - you can only buy full kits or ready-made units. Also, you can no longer use Paypal and have to use Visa or Mastercard.

Personally, I think he's shot himself in the foot...
