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Trigger Wheel
lsdweb - 24/7/07 at 11:07 AM

Hi All

I'm looking for a 62mm 12 tooth trigger wheel to fit inside my R1. I've been using an external trigger wheel but I want a more elegant solution!

I've tried the ususal routes - eBay and but nothing doing.

I know they are available but can't find any!

I've found a 60/2 wheel in about the right size (in the US) but I'm not sure if this will work with my Emerald ECU (awaiting a response from Emerald).

Any thoughts



Agriv8 - 24/7/07 at 11:28 AM


would think Emerald will take a 60/2 input.

if not could you cut some of the teath off a 60/2 to make a 12 ? ( tyed doing the maths but gave up



lsdweb - 24/7/07 at 11:40 AM

Thanks Agriv8

Emerald will run a 60/2 wheel but that's a lot of small teeth on a very small wheel at 12,000 rpm! I was concerned that the sensor may not be able to deal with it.

Trigger Wheels . com have been blindingly fast with their responses and are checking that their small 36/1 wheel is up to the job. FIngers are crossed.

I don't want this to happen again!

matt_claydon - 24/7/07 at 11:49 AM

Easy way is just to get a 60 or 36 tooth wheel and go at the spare teeth with the angry grinder ; )

Peteff - 24/7/07 at 01:00 PM

Leave every fifth tooth in and take the rest out, or every third tooth in a 36/1 should leave you 12 shouldn't it?

tks - 24/7/07 at 01:01 PM

Originally posted by lsdweb
Thanks Agriv8

Emerald will run a 60/2 wheel but that's a lot of small teeth on a very small wheel at 12,000 rpm! I was concerned that the sensor may not be able to deal with it.

Trigger Wheels . com have been blindingly fast with their responses and are checking that their small 36/1 wheel is up to the job. FIngers are crossed.

I don't want this to happen again!

Man hey are you deaf???

i knew it wouldn't last!! you could hear it!

stopping would gave you atleast a longer day.


lsdweb - 24/7/07 at 05:30 PM


i knew it wouldn't last!! you could hear it

What could you hear???

I lifted off and declutched as soon as it 'went' .