Running MS2 V3 version 2.8 code
I have a 2 litre blacktop zetec with gsxr 600 throttlebodies using the gsxr injectors too with the edis system
I have got the car going just need some tips to make it better as something seems wrong, i haven't started the accel tuning yet and a bit lost on
how to start that bit just yet
I have asked on the megasquirt forum but no answers just yet
not read that particular one before but a similar one.
Don't worry too much about the accel yet, it's pretty much the last thing to get tuned. I usually turn off accel altogether whilst tuning the VE tables, then turn it back on when i'm done.
If you have it drivable on the road then I would try some datalogs and run them through megalog viewer and use the VE table analyzer. This will give
an indication of where the problems are and also gradually adjust them along with some manual adjustments as you go.
I also found a good way to progress once the car is reasonably drivable is to get someone else to drive whilst you adjust the VE table manually while
watching the O2 feedback on the laptop.
Originally posted by prelude1980
Running MS2 V3 version 2.8 code
I have a 2 litre blacktop zetec with gsxr 600 throttlebodies using the gsxr injectors too with the edis system
I have got the car going just need some tips to make it better as something seems wrong, i haven't started the accel tuning yet and a bit lost on how to start that bit just yet
I have asked on the megasquirt forum but no answers just yet
i'll try that driving round and tuning,
how do you adjust the ve and watch the o2 reading, as when your on the ve table you can't see the reading,
Sorry for a silly question
You need to open the tuning window from the dropdown menu, slect VE table 1 and it will show a 3d map of the Ve table and an exhaust oxygen gauge
alongside it.
Before hand turn off the EGO correction in the settings menu by setting step size to zero, this allows you adjustments to directly alter the table
without feedback interfering with your adjustments.You can move the tuning spot with the arrow keys and if you select F it jumps to the presently
active map bin or type G and it follows as the bins alter .Then adjust the mixture using shift Up or down to alter the misture at the selected bin,
remember to select burn to ecu before quitting the tuning screen or the alterations will be lost when the engine is turned off .
Theres lots of info on the Megasquirt forums etc.
Originally posted by prelude1980
i'll try that driving round and tuning,
how do you adjust the ve and watch the o2 reading, as when your on the ve table you can't see the reading,
Sorry for a silly question