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Which Bike Fuel Pump?
lsdweb - 16/10/07 at 09:39 PM

I want to simplify the fuel pump setup on my single seater - I currently have a low pressure pump, low pressure filter, swirl pot, high pressure pump and high pressure filter. Whilst this works, it's heavy and there's a lot to go wrong.

I want to change this to a single high pressure bike pump mounted in the base of the tank but I don't have much room (none) below the tank. I'm considering raising the tank a little and using a bike pump fitted to the base of the tank, or using an in tank pump (but not quite sure how these fit! I’ve got a Blackbird pump but this would need about 5” below the tank! I also have a Subaru in tank pump but have no idea how I’d fit this!

Any thoughts?



russbost - 17/10/07 at 07:19 AM

The in tank pumps do just what it says on the tin, fit in the tank. You would need a pump of suitable depth to suit your tank & would need to drill & cut a suitable mounting hole & location for the pump & outlet pipe in the tank. I use a Toyota unit which fits from the top of the tank, not sure if some of the bike ones may fit & exit at the base of the tank? HTH

bigrich - 17/10/07 at 10:15 AM

Mine wiyh a zx10r/zx6r pump Rescued attachment fueltank-pump.jpg
Rescued attachment fueltank-pump.jpg

lsdweb - 18/10/07 at 12:08 PM

Thanks Guys

bigrich - that's what I want to do but I don't have much space - the base of the tank currently sits on the floor so I'd have to raise the tank by about 6" to get yours to fit!



Jay k - 7/11/07 at 01:17 PM

I have seen used in the top of the tank a pump assy from a Land Rover Discovery 1 V8, it has the pump, sender and swirl pot in one unit. It has adjustable depth from 250mm to 350m approx. I can supply the part number if required.