After a year and a half building the MSnSE ecu and then installing it I turned the key and it started first time. What is more amazing is that I
haven't set the fuel or pulse width etc. If I had know it would be so easy to start I would have avoided the last nine months of full on
procrastination and got on with it!
Obviously it didn't run super smoothly or tick over even but it did run, all be it with lots of dark smoke out of the exaust.
Will the fueling sort itself out when I use the tune up software or do I need to work it out still?
One very happy Luego man, might even get the car done for the summer now. Will possibly post a video of it running.
that's great news - gives me more confidence about mine!
I just prey that I can can post the same words when I turn the key on mine! - Reckon I have a few weeks to D-Day!!!!!!!....
Well done anyway...
once you start using it and have rough tickover you'll soon see it's actually not that hard to achieve a pretty good/rough initial setup,
with a decent tickover and VE map. It gets a bit more time consuming when you start getting serious about it and fine tuning becomes an obsession,
tweaking the VE table here and tweaking this there. Believe me everytime I drive the car I always think could just do with being a bit leaner/richer
Mine poured an extreme smell of fuel around the street due to large over fueling on initial start up. Went down well with neighbors.
nice one.......
You need to adjust it manually before it will be driveable, at the least you will need to set the injector flow rate settings, what map are you
If using a wide band sensor you will be able to datalog it and use the log to analyse and adjust the settings, but will need to manually tweak to
start with to get it in a state where it is possible to datalog.
I am using the standard map that came with the install from the MSnSE site. I am using a wide band so was planning to do datalogs and so on. Will have a go at sorting out the plumbing first so that I can get the engine up to temperature then go from there.
Have a look on the extra EFI web site , theres a section on there with maps for most common engines which may be a better start as the standard map is
based on a V8 set up.