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Premier wiring loom - 2 piece or 4 piece?
Cheffy - 10/1/09 at 04:14 PM

Hi Guys,

Time to invest in a wiring loom. Having done some serching around this site I'm going for a Premier loom. I see they are now two piece looms or, for an extra 15 quid they do a four piece loom. What's the advantage of the 4 piece loom and what would people on here recommend?

Thanx in advance,


Shamrock GS - 10/1/09 at 06:16 PM

I have the 2 piece which is fab and easy (relatively speaking) to use. The 4 section one just makes it easier to assemble as there is a bit less 'threading through' to be done and you can assemble bits of the car at different times without having a great mass of spaghetti all over the place. I suppose it would also make later changes easier as you just unplug the bit needing replaced.

One the assumption that once the car is built you have no intention of changing the wiring I would have the 2 piece and spend the £15 saved on women and drink.



trextr7monkey - 10/1/09 at 06:25 PM

Bes thing is to phone Alan and discuss your requirements in detail - this may lead to savings anyway as he makes the looms to order. I am sending you a pm

Cheffy - 13/1/09 at 08:31 PM

Cheers Guys, thanks for the replies. All duly noted.
