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daniel mason - 30/6/13 at 06:57 PM

for those who still like to watch. a reminder its on BBC 2 8PM

TimC - 30/6/13 at 07:05 PM

Countryfile for me - maybe Drive online later.

steve m - 30/6/13 at 08:09 PM

"Countryfile for me - maybe Drive online later. "

me too, as we were in Meethorp fell, only a few days ago, went to the lakeside motor museum as well

Irony - 30/6/13 at 08:29 PM

I've drove on ninety mile beach. All car insurance is void on there. It was a memory to treasure.

daniel mason - 30/6/13 at 08:35 PM

where were you staying steve? im close to that area!

JC - 30/6/13 at 08:39 PM

Fastest car in the world - so true! Drove up Troodos in Cyprus many years ago in a group of of three Proton Hire Cars (Chris's for anyone who has been there...). Most definitely the fastest things on the island that day!!!

motorcycle_mayhem - 1/7/13 at 08:22 AM

Apart from envoking memories of 90 mile beach, and the Cape, I wasn't terribly impressed with Top Gear as petrol head entertainment. OK, my view, but not the entertainment it once was.

Quite impressed with the new 1.6 turbo Euroboxes though. Bland they may be, but in 12 years time, probably a good 2nd hand buy, or engine source. Thing is, I'll be dead by then.

Hey ho, need to rob a bank to get the money back that the political/bankster elite have stolen from me (us).

Jasper - 2/7/13 at 09:08 AM

Yeah it was rubbish, they spent most of the show either driving a cheap rental car or driving an even cheaper Vauxhall around a boring track, then a piece about hot hatches, hardly Top Gear is it.......