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Spotted telford / donnington friday 9th may 8:20ish
madmandegge - 9/5/08 at 07:33 AM

Just spotted a black, what appeared to be a bike engined MK indy? (not sure about this), heading towards Asda Donnington, doing some spirited overtaking

Makes me hate my punto even more!

[Edited on 9/5/08 by madmandegge]

jos - 9/5/08 at 07:37 AM

Not me but i think i know who it was

madmandegge - 9/5/08 at 08:08 AM

Ah ok, well he certainly looked like he was having fun

worX - 9/5/08 at 08:22 AM

Did it sound slightly Hayabusa-ish


madmandegge - 9/5/08 at 08:28 AM

It definately sounded bike-ish!

Is someone suggesting it might've been Ox? Cause I don't think it was! Might have to ask him though

Bouldy - 9/5/08 at 08:49 AM

doubt it was ox. it was probably mooron. he got a black mk r1 he lives over that way by me.

jos - 9/5/08 at 10:45 AM

I thought mooron too rather than ox. Bird not busa

Moorron - 9/5/08 at 02:01 PM


Wasnt my car either unless the guy who stole it rebuild my engine for me lol.

ps, i drive slowly too