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Croft facing closure
neilj37 - 19/1/09 at 06:34 PM

I see that croft may be facing closure. WIll be a real shame if it does !!

Thinking about it - 19/1/09 at 06:46 PM

How does that work then?
I bet they havn't been in the house since 1920.

Daimo_45 - 19/1/09 at 06:52 PM

Idiots. Why did they move there if they didn't like the nose? The track generates 3 million pounds into the local community so lets see how their QUALITY OF LIFE IS when said 3 million pounds is taken away. MORONS!!!!!!!!!!!

Guinness - 19/1/09 at 06:55 PM

If Croft do lose and it closes, anyone want to get a masssssssiiiiivvvveeee convoy of cars to drive past these peoples house 24/7 for a few weeks?

Makes my wee boil.


Thinking about it - 19/1/09 at 06:59 PM

Bit more info here.


JoelP - 19/1/09 at 07:03 PM

I have it on good authority that the couple complaining moved there years after the circuit was used as race track...oh yes and are the parents of the circuit owners ex girlfriend...

it really is ridiculous that you can claim compo after moving next to a racetrack. Someone needs to box some sense into them.

Hellfire - 19/1/09 at 07:12 PM

The link above also gives the complainants names and even part of their address which I find quite odd........


001Ben - 19/1/09 at 07:16 PM

what a nonsense

Hellfire - 19/1/09 at 07:27 PM

The family’s legal costs from this hearing alone were put at about £700,000.

Their money may have been better spent buying a small tropical island and moving there.


Guinness - 19/1/09 at 07:43 PM

You can read the judgment here.

The house is easy to find using google / multimap.


clairetoo - 19/1/09 at 07:47 PM

There was a petition for a change in the law to prevent this sort of `nimby'ism` - ISTR the governments reply was that there was no need for a change , since under current law this couldnt happen anyway .

flak monkey - 19/1/09 at 07:52 PM

What exactly did they expect moving next to a track?!

The judge needs some sense knocking in too by the sounds of it. The case should have been thrown out at the prelim.


meany - 19/1/09 at 08:22 PM

they come and swap houses with me if they would'nt bother me one bit.

Us Northerners have to put up with loads of poo like this, i gave up my last hobby of Flying Model aircraft due to the loss of sites because of bloody whinging southerners (present company accepted) who move up here and want us live their way....god it makes me so pissed.

dhutch - 19/1/09 at 08:59 PM

Originally posted by Guinness
If Croft do lose and it closes, anyone want to get a masssssssiiiiivvvveeee convoy of cars to drive past these peoples house 24/7 for a few weeks?

Makes my wee boil.


Stupid isnt it, makes you cry inside that these people actually could put and end to something as bug as croft. Just because there cocky shits with a fair bit of money.

Fingars crossed for the appeal.


sonic - 19/1/09 at 09:13 PM

Same with Elvington Airfield near York last week

Its been an Airfield since the war when bomers were based there and is still used for small comercial flight freight etc,they asked for planning permission to build new hangers and get more trade into the area and the locals complained and planning has been refused due to upsetting the wildlife/birds/ and the local houses,Well don't move next to an Airfield idiots.
The world has gone F--king mad when an Airfield exists and you cannot use it.

carpmart - 19/1/09 at 09:47 PM

With £700k sunk into legal costs, you can bet your bottom dollar (pound) that they will chase the claim till the end now.

mediabloke - 19/1/09 at 10:15 PM

Maybe the householders should consider pursuing the solicitor or surveyor that they used to buy the house in the first place.

What? The solicitor / surveyor didn't know that the 5 square miles of tarmac at the end of their clients' garden was a race track? What current plans were they using at the time? The Domesday book???

austin man - 19/1/09 at 10:27 PM

700k Just makes you wonder what acoustic soundproofing they could have used to deflect the noise.

A world gone mad whats next, will the local alcoholic sue his off licence for supply him drink and affecting his quality of life and how long have they been suffering ???

motorcycle_mayhem - 20/1/09 at 08:53 AM

Unfortunately, the situation as regards all that goes with this is only getting worse.

When Mansell acquired Dunkeswell (a kart circuit in the corner of an active airfield!) he could not have anticipated the hostility of the local NIMBY's.

mangogrooveworkshop - 20/1/09 at 10:18 AM

dell12345, Newton Aycliffe says...
9:39am Sat 17 Jan 09
i'm sorry but if i was buying a house next door to a race track the first thing that would go through my head would be noise levels ????? What about people who live near airports or railway lines, will they be wanting compensation to. NO...they have to put up with it. Croft circuit has been there years, long before these people moved in.


Triton - 20/1/09 at 10:34 AM

Happening in Corby too after they built Rockingham circuit on dead land they then build houses then folk me it really does.
I lived close to the M1 and the A5 and on a nice sunny sunday the noise was great as all you heard were screaming bikes...I didn't mind a bit but others really moaned....twits!

iank - 20/1/09 at 10:39 AM

Remember a story about a city type who moved into a new flat opposite a fire station and then complained about the sirens. Apparently on his single daytime viewing there wasn't a shout, and he was surprised at being woken at 1am by a fire engine.

To be honest I think there are some bottom feeding 'speculators' who buy a house on the cheap because it's next to something noisy and they try to get it shut down to make a quick profit on their suddenly more desirable house.

I believe the noise laws should be tightened up to prevent people complaining about pre-existing sources.

It certainly would have turned up on the searches so they will have been told - solicitors aren't stupid.

Rob Lane - 20/1/09 at 11:34 AM

Whilst I agree entirely about Croft and late moving in neighbours, I don't agree regarding fresh noise developements.

I live near Finningley airport, although it was long since defunct when I moved here. There were no plans for it to be reopened but instead to turn it into housing.
Then along came Peel who bought it and developed it again as Robin Hood airport, this with a lot of financial help from Doncaster council. This despite widespread opposition.

The effect on me was immediate, the noise levels increaed at all daytime hours, starting originally at 6am when the Jersey flight came in. In an effort to avoid the built up areas it came on a different approach, guess what, straight over my house
Since then the planes start at 5am for inbound flights.

Now the airport owners (Peel) are crying poverty and asking for 24hr flights. "Oh yes, they will only be freight at night sir".
Further enquiry reveals that large freight planes are usually older stock with louder engines. We had one test flight recently and it was like rolling thunder for minutes on end.

I have my house up for sale but it has already been devalued by this noise blight. I didn't move here with the noise present, it just started.

I originally took part in Sprint/Hillclimbing and used Croft. I heard there were complaints continually from neighbours up there but no-one went as far as the courts.
Now it's happening at Curborough. It was originally isolated but a new estate was built close by. They are now petitioning the local council to have it's use curtailed.
Soon there won't be any tracks that are not subject to later outside interference.

(Sorry long rant mode off)

Oh PS, my housewas built in 1820, I think that's a bit before the airport.

[Edited on 20/1/09 by Rob Lane]

:{THC}:YosamiteSam - 20/1/09 at 02:06 PM

i still cant understand why it is closing at easter? when steps to curtail noise could be implemented firstly
and also why the moaning neighbours have complained to croft and not the council who issue licences - as long as croft wasnt violating the licence..
god this makes my blood boil.. just hope that the miserable gits feel ashamed when they go to the local village (dalton) which is tiny - when they see the locals who lose jobs - people who lose homes thro loss of income - B&B's that close because there is no ther reason for tourists to be there - pubs that suffer thro lack of trade.. i certainly am looking at ways of making life hard for the cow if i see her

livelee - 27/1/09 at 04:54 PM

x_flow57 - 27/1/09 at 05:15 PM

Copied from one of the comments;

Funny to see the daughter is the ex wife of a previous owner!! Maybe some bad feeling going on there as well? Something not right about this at all.

Says it all really, can the legal profession not see what was going on or were they just enjoying "earning" £700k.
