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Another Numpty
r1_pete - 3/2/09 at 02:09 PM

Getting bikers a bad name......


dinosaurjuice - 3/2/09 at 02:11 PM

"Robert Bennett opened the throttle on his 1300cc Suzuki because it started to rain, Exeter Crown Court was told. "

wet roads dont mean go faster. plonker.

Mr Whippy - 3/2/09 at 02:21 PM

So like what he’s saying is ‘The conditions were becoming dangerous so I had to speed up’…uh hu

Yeah that kind of says it all really, anyone who comes out with that as their defence for speeding has clearly the IQ of a chimp

Glad he’s going in the slammer as he sure deserves it

Dangle_kt - 3/2/09 at 02:36 PM

daft with his son on his back, and in the rian but I have (this is a lie m'lud) done that sort of speed quite a few times on a bike. Perfectly safe in the right conditions.

Bet the majority of bikers who have a reasonable bike will have too, or at least pretty close to it.

afj - 3/2/09 at 02:42 PM

agree with above ive had a zx12 showing 210mph on the a1m and every biker i know has had there bike to its limits, but there is a time and place for speed and in the rain with your boy on the back is clearly wrong

mookaloid - 3/2/09 at 02:52 PM

Are you sure you want to post that / ?

Mr Whippy - 3/2/09 at 02:54 PM

Originally posted by afj
agree with above ive had a zx12 showing 210mph on the a1m and every biker i know has had there bike to its limits, but there is a time and place for speed and in the rain with your boy on the back is clearly wrong

That’s fine till some half blind/deaf granny in a car pulls out, then you all die before you even get your hands off the throttle

have look on the web for cars that have bikes imbedded in them, I can see 7 currently, plus a motorbiker guy in pieces strewn across the road.

Speeds over the speed limit aren’t for the road, there is no sane argument for otherwise tbh only overconfidence and lack of thought for others by those who do so

actually just type 'motorbike crash' into google images and you notice that nearly all the crashes are due to cars pulling out (driver side just above the front wheel will be where the dent is), I've seen 5 bike crashes actually happening over the years, one with some idiot hitting my bus. Most were due to speeding.

[Edited on 3/2/09 by Mr Whippy]

Marcus - 3/2/09 at 03:01 PM

Wot he said....^^^

afj - 3/2/09 at 03:05 PM

I manage a recovery company, so we pick up fatal accidents every week so im very aware of the conciquiences(sp) of speed, but any travel of any kind is a risk and if you ride/drive oneday you will be in an accident of some kind and if your unlucky, your toast.
122 is too fast in the wet with kid on back
200+mph indicated (actual prob 180mph) is still far too fast but at 2am with no traffic its a risk i took to see how fast i dare go

Mr Whippy - 3/2/09 at 03:18 PM

Originally posted by afj
I manage a recovery company, so we pick up fatal accidents every week so im very aware of the conciquiences(sp) of speed, but any travel of any kind is a risk and if you ride/drive oneday you will be in an accident of some kind and if your unlucky, your toast.
122 is too fast in the wet with kid on back
200+mph indicated (actual prob 180mph) is still far too fast but at 2am with no traffic its a risk i took to see how fast i dare go

cool, 2am & time for the drunks to drive home then

point is dude its not just you taking a risk, cos it's not your own private road/race track. You share it with everyone else that pays to use it too. If you want to go that fast on the bike fine, but use a race track since that's what their there for. I worked with a nutter who pulled wheelies through traffic jams and boasted he drove in the local countryside in his evo at 130mph. Really I couldn’t wait for him to hit a big tractor and finally get him off the road, I dreaded the chance I’d be the one who'd meet him on the road.

I’m sure there’s many on here that have just read you previous post in disbelief

OMG I just noticed its revenge! I loved this car!!!!! my fav rod ever!


[Edited on 3/2/09 by Mr Whippy]

mookaloid - 3/2/09 at 03:39 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Originally posted by afj
I manage a recovery company, so we pick up fatal accidents every week so im very aware of the conciquiences(sp) of speed, but any travel of any kind is a risk and if you ride/drive oneday you will be in an accident of some kind and if your unlucky, your toast.
122 is too fast in the wet with kid on back
200+mph indicated (actual prob 180mph) is still far too fast but at 2am with no traffic its a risk i took to see how fast i dare go

cool, 2am & time for the drunks to drive home then

point is dude its not just you taking a risk, cos it's not your own private road/race track. You share it with everyone else that pays to use it too. If you want to go that fast on the bike fine, but use a race track since that's what their there for. I worked with a nutter who pulled wheelies through traffic jams and boasted he drove in the local countryside in his evo at 130mph. Really I couldn’t wait for him to hit a big tractor and finally get him off the road, I dreaded the chance I’d be the one who'd meet him on the road.

I’m sure there’s many on here that have just read you previous post in disbelief

[Edited on 3/2/09 by Mr Whippy]

I have to say that I have no wish to read on here about people boasting about breaking the law in such a reckless mannner.

I'm sure most of us are guilty of going a mile or two over the speed limit from time to time but that's just crazy.

Had he been caught he would have been quite rightly looking at a stretch in prison.

Not funny.

Peteff - 3/2/09 at 03:56 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Glad he’s going in the slammer as he sure deserves it

Says the man who doesn't pay his license fee or Council tax and whose car is improperly registered

Sorry, I just couldn't resist it Whippy.

afj - 3/2/09 at 04:10 PM

boasting i think i wrote it was 'still too fast'
anyway i was very young then (20) and like alot of 20ish year olds you think 'i will live forever' and ' it will never happen to me'.
Also watching 2 friends die on bikes, then getting married and having a daughter changed my outlook on life, what ive posted above is the truth weather people like it or not.
actualy thats why i gave up bikes and built the next best thing ..... a BEC

rf900rush - 3/2/09 at 04:19 PM

All I keep hearing is speed speed speed .

What a load of crap.
I know sometimes speed causes the accident but not as often as not looking.

Iv'e had a few accidents on bikes.
One less than 30mph, caused Muppet in a car who just did not look.
One a less than 50. yep another idiot pulling out from a side road.

And the most recent I was stationary.
Yes a numpty in a van reverse into me.
And still has not been settled because he can't be bothered to fill the forms, Police wanted £120 for a copy of the statements, and took 5 weeks.

Never have I had a bike crash due to speeding.

So why don't we ever see constant News reports on fxxxwits causing accidents.

Rant over.

mr henderson - 3/2/09 at 04:42 PM

Originally posted by rf900rush
All I keep hearing is speed speed speed .

What a load of crap.
I know sometimes speed causes the accident but not as often as not looking.

Iv'e had a few accidents on bikes.
One less than 30mph, caused Muppet in a car who just did not look.
One a less than 50. yep another idiot pulling out from a side road.

And the most recent I was stationary.
Yes a numpty in a van reverse into me.
And still has not been settled because he can't be bothered to fill the forms, Police wanted £120 for a copy of the statements, and took 5 weeks.

Never have I had a bike crash due to speeding.

So why don't we ever see constant News reports on fxxxwits causing accidents.

Rant over.

Be that as it may, whatever the cause of the accident, more speed will make it worse, and/or less avoidable. Going slower means that there may be a chance to stop the accident happening altogether.

I can well see why people get so cross about the fixation on speed, but unfortunately it's the one thing that can be measured, legislated against and enforced. Stupidity and inattention can't be prevented by laws.


idl1975 - 3/2/09 at 04:59 PM

I would only add to this the obvious point that speed limits aren't set by careful scientific analysis of accidents and vehicle capabilities. Or to put it another way, they might have been once upon a time, when speed limits were first imposed, but not since.

71 mph on a dry, empty motorway on a 'busa is about as safe as it's possible to be, whereas 59 on a diabolical twisty 2-lane b-road covered in leaves and s**** with zero visibility and no sidewalks is asking to crash, or to run over a pedestrian/cyclist/rider.

I wouldn't recommend going 120mph on the road as a general policy, but I can think of a lot more dangerous things I've seen happen at under 20mph. And I suspect a lot of the people condemning this person have only a Raleigh Grifter as their two wheeled frame of reference.

For example, riding home last week the VW driver in front of me at a T junction turned left, crossed into the other lane and hit a car coming the other way. No reason at all for it - oncoming car doing about 30-40 mph with lights on, fully visible and in its own lane. I think I'd rather have been behind or in front of Mr 'busa, but somehow I doubt the Passat driver is in jail right now.

Originally posted by rf900rush
All I keep hearing is speed speed speed .

What a load of crap.
I know sometimes speed causes the accident but not as often as not looking.

Iv'e had a few accidents on bikes.
One less than 30mph, caused Muppet in a car who just did not look.
One a less than 50. yep another idiot pulling out from a side road.

And the most recent I was stationary.
Yes a numpty in a van reverse into me.
And still has not been settled because he can't be bothered to fill the forms, Police wanted £120 for a copy of the statements, and took 5 weeks.

Never have I had a bike crash due to speeding.

So why don't we ever see constant News reports on fxxxwits causing accidents.

Rant over.

kipper - 3/2/09 at 05:30 PM

the two motorcycle accidents I have had (not counting the offs I had while racing )
were caused by car drivers shunting the bike from under me, I was doing zero mph both times.
car drivers need to be more aware of bikes, the classic ,sorry mate ,didn't see you applied both times.
I am over sixty now and have ridden bikes since being sixteen.
Shure I break the speed limit now and then but not when the road and traffic conditions are bad.