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clarkson v brown
woodster - 6/2/09 at 12:52 PM

seems to me he only called him true facts ...... brown has 1 eye brown is scottish and is an idiot

A1 - 6/2/09 at 12:56 PM

and hes a liar! scottish people arent angry! i find it quite funny!

James - 6/2/09 at 01:00 PM

They just talked about it on Radio1

"People are calling on him to apologise"

What? Are you not allowed an opinion now!!!

I truly hope Clarkson refuses to apologies and carries on as ever.

Brown is a lying idiot... what's the problem with saying that?!!!


Mr Whippy - 6/2/09 at 01:00 PM

I can think of much worse things to say about him

britishtrident - 6/2/09 at 01:01 PM

Clarkson is well out of order --- both Clarkson and Ross should get P45s

If you want to defend anybody against the political correctness brigade defend Carol Thatcher she is worth defending .

[Edited on 6/2/09 by britishtrident]

woodster - 6/2/09 at 01:08 PM

how long has it been an insult to scottish people to call them scottish

omega0684 - 6/2/09 at 01:08 PM

i strongly think that the bbc won't give johnathon ross or jeremy clarkson p45's as they bring in millions of pounds worth of revenue and millions of viewers to boot just to see/watch and listen to their outspoken opinion

scootz - 6/2/09 at 01:10 PM

The 'idiot' bit is fine... the rest will offend those who want to be offended!

woodster - 6/2/09 at 01:12 PM

If Carol Thatcher is in trouble ebay must be in big trouble to ..........

[Edited on 6/2/09 by woodster]

Mr Whippy - 6/2/09 at 01:17 PM

Originally posted by woodster
If Carol Thatcher is in trouble ebay must be in big trouble to ..........

I use to have a big one of those when I was really young

scootz - 6/2/09 at 01:20 PM

What... you owned a large 'Carol Thatcher'?

Did you need a license?

britishtrident - 6/2/09 at 01:20 PM

Originally posted by omega0684
i strongly think that the bbc won't give johnathon ross or jeremy clarkson p45's as they bring in millions of pounds worth of revenue and millions of viewers to boot just to see/watch and listen to their outspoken opinion

Clarkson & Ross are big turn off to most listeners and viewers --- the BBC must reverse the continual dumbing down before it become the broadcasting equivalent of the Dailly Sport. Sadly since Grieg Dyke was pushed out by the Blairites all hope of return to anything like quality broadcasting is gone.

Hellfire - 6/2/09 at 01:22 PM

Problem is, now that it's been reported in the press and on radio/TV, every man and his dog will be writing/phoning in to voice their opinions about how disgusted they are and it will escalate and get blown out of all proportion.

I'll reserve judgement until I've actually seen it but has Clarkson said something that isn't true?.............


Richard Quinn - 6/2/09 at 01:35 PM

So, if this offends Scottish people and people with disabilities, then I really feel for the idiots who haven't even had a mention!

UncleFista - 6/2/09 at 01:41 PM

Originally posted by britishtrident

Clarkson & Ross are big turn off to most listeners and viewers

Someone needs to tell the boss at the beeb then, cos TG pulls in BBC2s highest viewing figures and is one of the biggest earners from exporting globally.

I'm a great believer of free speech, whether it's a private conversation containing the word "golliwog" or a presenter being interviewed and having an opinion on how the country is being run.

I reckon the Scots are being a little over sensitive

David Jenkins - 6/2/09 at 01:41 PM

I don't care much for Clarkson - or Brown - but I thought JC's comment was trivial and far milder than I hear down my local almost every time I visit there.

RK - 6/2/09 at 01:42 PM

You have Jeremy C (cars), we have Don Cherry (ice hockey). The problem with some of these out-of-line blowhards is that there is always a grain of truth in what they are saying. The issue is that it encourages people to be less tolerant, and that can't be a good thing nowadays.

Personally, I think it's hilarious that the English have had 2 Scotsmen in a row as PM. Get that wall back up!

Free speech is always a good thing, when they're not talking about YOU.

[Edited on 6/2/09 by RK]

GeorgeM - 6/2/09 at 01:49 PM

I can think of a few things to call myself- all of which
are also just telling the truth.
Does that mean I have to apologise to myself?

As far as I can see from the report, that's all Clarkson did!
Clarkson can be a bit of a twat (will he demand an apology
for that?) but what is wrong with giving ones opinion.

James - 6/2/09 at 02:02 PM

Originally posted by UncleFista
Originally posted by britishtrident

Clarkson & Ross are big turn off to most listeners and viewers

Someone needs to tell the boss at the beeb then, cos TG pulls in BBC2s highest viewing figures and is one of the biggest earners from exporting globally.

Agreed. TG is actually the BBC's biggest selling program. Sells in about 50 countries IIRC.

I'm not that keen on a lot of the TG stunts and smashing up working cars and stuff, but I actually really like Clarkson and think his Sunday Times columns are brilliant.


P.S. Here's the BBC article about it:

idl1975 - 6/2/09 at 02:33 PM

Originally posted by woodster
how long has it been an insult to scottish people to call them scottish

That's what I wondered. Are they saying there are no idiots in Scotland at all, and therefore "Scottish idiot" is factually incorrect? I lived there for years and I'm sure I met a few. Perhaps they were dirty Southrons?

smart51 - 6/2/09 at 03:34 PM

Originally posted by britishtrident
Clarkson is well out of order --- both Clarkson and Ross should get P45s

If you want to defend anybody against the political correctness brigade defend Carol Thatcher she is worth defending .

[Edited on 6/2/09 by britishtrident]

Clarkson has done nothing wrong. We are free (for the moment) to criticise the PM if we wish. I uphold Clarkson's right to do so.

Ross is vulgar and rude. I have no time for him.

Thatcher is an idiot for calling someone a golliwog. Racist? Maybe, but definitely foolish. I don't like so-called Political correctness but you should use common sense and common curtsey when talking about people.

Of the three, Clarkson is the one who should be supported. You may not agree with his views but why shouldn't he express them?

James - 6/2/09 at 03:36 PM

He's actually gone and apologised!

Dammit! I thought Clarkson was better than that!

spaximus - 6/2/09 at 03:59 PM

Well in my opinion Clarkson was spot on in all he said about Brown. He is an unelected prime minister who has misled the country like no other has. We are going downhill faster and faster and the only answers seem to be to restrict what people say or do. We cannot even protest now without fear of them using the terrorisum act on us.
I suspect the only reason he apologised is that he has been lent on by someone who has pointed out that the BBC is publically funded and parliment will find ways to get him out.
We fought wars to defend free speech, but it appears it is only free if you say what people in power want to hear

jabbahutt - 6/2/09 at 04:02 PM

So this is what this country has come to. He didn't imply that Brown was an idiot because he only had one eye (so that's the disabled outcry over with) and he didn't say he was an idiot because he was Scottish.

So basically he's apparently in the wrong for stating his opinion that Brown is an idiot!!

So expect to hear that they've used anti terror laws to sends old JC off to Guantanamo for some torture.

It's sad that he's apologised I'd of expected him to use the supposed uproar to come out with something even better.

AR-CoolC - 6/2/09 at 04:12 PM

He's only apologised for the "one-eyed" bit though.

Not the Idiot bit

dinosaurjuice - 6/2/09 at 04:28 PM

i agree with the one eyed bit. i think it sums up his closed minded view on the country and where its going. i dont think it was physical appearence comment... or was it?

jonesier1 - 6/2/09 at 04:30 PM

get a grip..clarkson for pm i say

mistergrumpy - 6/2/09 at 04:35 PM

Clarksons apology was apparently through some BBC aide or summat wasn't it? That doesn't seem Clarkson style, to apologise through someone else. I reckon the BBC shat theirselves after the Jonathon Ross/unfunny Brand fella affair and apologised on his behalf then they'll have words at another time.

hellbent345 - 6/2/09 at 04:36 PM

Originally posted by britishtrident
Clarkson & Ross are big turn off to most listeners and viewers --- the BBC must reverse the continual dumbing down before it become the broadcasting equivalent of the Dailly Sport. Sadly since Grieg Dyke was pushed out by the Blairites all hope of return to anything like quality broadcasting is gone.

sorry i also have to disagree with this, i find clarkson and top gear very entertaining and im fairly sure im not in the minority!
clarkson shouldnt have apologised, its a simple opinion, not being forced on anyone, just passing comment! brown is a spanner! we needed an election when blair left, brown should have been a temp replacement while the public was asked as to whether we actually wanted him or not!

smart51 - 6/2/09 at 04:45 PM

Originally posted by spaximus
He [Gordon Brown] is an unelected prime minister

They all are. You vote for your MP, nothing more. The prime minister is nothing other than the leader of the biggest group of MPs. Remember, the Queen is head of state.

ashg - 6/2/09 at 05:55 PM

Clarkson was correct

He is Scottish
He has one eye
And he is an idiot

The first two are just factual information, the third is an observation of many

scootz - 6/2/09 at 08:32 PM

I thought he had two eyes... he's just blind in one of them!

scootz - 6/2/09 at 08:32 PM

PS - I don't know of a single Scot who's offended!

Peteff - 6/2/09 at 08:38 PM

Bugger, I thought Gordon Ramsay was PM now I really have to watch more telly.

A1 - 7/2/09 at 03:01 AM

hows being called a golliwog an insult? theyre the happiest fellows around!!
scots arent insulted for being called scottish, its having to admit that gordon browns one of ours thats insulting