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JGG's Wifely up date
jollygreengiant - 6/1/11 at 04:10 PM

Thanks to all who posted replies to my last posting, VERY much appreciated.

First visit to specialist at the Radcliffe (Oxford) yesterday (wed 5th). Also our first viewing of the scans.

Upshot is that Sara does have an invasive mass (possibly cancerous but otherwise unknow, specialist have never seen its likes before) in/on the outer rear edge of her right hand cerebral cortex, approximately the size off a ping pong ball/golf ball. This is likely to becausing the cerebral cortex to be applying pressure to all the nerve bundles to the front of the cortex on that side and is likely to be the reason for all her symptons.

The specialist said that it needs to be removed and the only good thing about it is that it is in/on a relatively non-critical part of the brain. The admittance process has been started with a pre-admittance medical booked for the 19th Jan and surgery on urgent admission probably sometime in February (date to sent/set asap).

Surgery time should be approx 2hrs with 7 days in hospital and 6 weeks off work.

So once again thanks to all for your support.


Linky to previous post

[Edited on 6/1/11 by jollygreengiant]

vinny1275 - 6/1/11 at 04:25 PM

I missed your last post jgg, a golf-ball sized lump, blimey! Good news that it's been diagnosed and they can operate. I hope all the surgery goes well, must seem a lifetime to wait though....

All the best,


Richard Quinn - 6/1/11 at 04:29 PM

Hope all goes well!

Steve Hignett - 6/1/11 at 04:32 PM

I missed your last post aswell, so have some more support from the Hignett Clan

Best wishes...

Fozzie - 6/1/11 at 04:33 PM

Like vinny I also missed your last post JGG.

I am so pleased that she has been seen quickly,
and that the proverbial ball is rolling.

A very worrying time for you and your loved ones,
but from what you recounted from the specialists
it all sounds very encouraging.

Thoughts and wishes are with you and yours

nick205 - 6/1/11 at 04:34 PM

Also missed your last post - sincerely hope all goes well and for a full and speedy recovery!

I've been bemoaning my 8 week wait for a knee op to sort out a cartilidge tear - this is now firmly put in perspective!

carpmart - 6/1/11 at 04:42 PM

I too missed the last post!

In a perverse way, it sounds like good news. Operable and plans in place to operate!

I wish your wife and the rest of the family well!

3GEComponents - 6/1/11 at 05:04 PM

Hey JGG,

For me finding out the mass was cancerous was a relief, it was, in my mind at least, treatable once diagnosed. It didn't make it any less scary for me or my family, I have to say my wife delt with it brilliantly.

The hospital were amazing, the NHS gets a lot of flack but I couldn't fault them in the slightest.

I've got my fingers crossed for you both that everything turns out well.

Kind regards


omega0684 - 6/1/11 at 05:51 PM

im sure that everyone who reads this post will be thinking the same thing, " Good luck and all the best" im sure the operation will be a great success!

We're all thinking of you and the wife!

Just don't forget to take good care of yourself as well!


Ben_Copeland - 6/1/11 at 06:00 PM

Wishing you and Sara all the best. Hope everything turns out ok

big_wasa - 6/1/11 at 06:01 PM

All the best.

hicost - 6/1/11 at 06:19 PM

Like many I missed your last post.

I wish you and your wife all my best and I hope everything goes smoothly and I’m sure we all will be thinking of you.

When things like this happen people sometimes tend not to talk about it much together, I would really get into it and work together through it. Just having someone there helps, even though answers can take time.


Daddylonglegs - 6/1/11 at 06:22 PM

Keep positive and I'm sure we'll all be thinking of you both and keeping crossed fingers


Confused but excited. - 6/1/11 at 06:31 PM

I'll keep everything crossed for you and your's mate.
I know exactly what you are going through.
Just be glad that you insisted on a second opinion and that they found it in time.
May your God bless you both.

Marky911 - 6/1/11 at 07:02 PM

Gosh! I missed your first post too.
Scary stuff. I hope everything goes well.

adithorp - 6/1/11 at 07:15 PM

Like others I missed your first post.

All the best and hope everything works out for the best.


JoelP - 6/1/11 at 07:57 PM

Atb JGG, puts my bad day in perspective. Hope all goes well for you both.

Guinness - 6/1/11 at 08:01 PM

Good luck JGG!!!

Look forward to the positives! Just think how you can both spoil your first grandchild!!!!

trialsman - 6/1/11 at 08:15 PM

My prayers are with you and Sara. Russ

scootz - 6/1/11 at 08:24 PM

Best wishes to both of you!

Ivan - 6/1/11 at 08:30 PM

What a huge worry for your whole family - wishing you all the best and strength through this period.

Peteff - 6/1/11 at 08:56 PM

All the best wishes for a good outcome and a comfortable recovery, look after her she must spoil you to let you mess about with cars.

Ninehigh - 6/1/11 at 09:19 PM

Was there a first post?

Can't fault the NHS when it's important, they're not going to mess about with waiting lists on something like this.

Good thing it's on a "good" part of the brain and hope she makes a full recovery

richard thomas - 6/1/11 at 10:24 PM

The Thomas family's thoughts and best wishes are with you and yours Clive,


lotusmadandy - 7/1/11 at 02:50 PM

Al the best JGG, i hope Sara has a speedy recovery.


[Edited on 7/1/11 by lotusmadandy]

iank - 7/1/11 at 10:10 PM

Good luck, the most important thing IMO is to stay positive.

Agree with the above comments re-the NHS, if it's serious they are excellent, if it's not they are to say the least variable.