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Ebay - blocking particular sellers from search results?
D Beddows - 19/4/12 at 12:16 PM

Can you do it? I'm sick of having to scroll past hundreds of overpriced rather nasty looking alloy wheels whenever I search for anything car related

Life is too short to try and find anything useful via Ebay itself!

loggyboy - 19/4/12 at 12:23 PM


on the left of the search there is 'Seller' option, click on specify sellers and the options will pop up.

MikeRJ - 19/4/12 at 12:24 PM

Use the advanced search. Click the "Sellers" check box, click "Specific sellers" and then change the drop down box to "Exclude". Add the sellers names to the text box separated by either a comma or a space and away you go.

D Beddows - 19/4/12 at 12:38 PM

Marvelous many thanks gentlemen!

Peteff - 19/4/12 at 12:52 PM

Also change the search option. Where it says all items look to the right and the box that says sort by choose price lowest first or price+P&P lowest first so all the expensive ones are at the end.

Brooky - 19/4/12 at 03:04 PM

You can also put a - in front of results you dont want to see.

loggyboy - 19/4/12 at 03:25 PM

Originally posted by Brooky
You can also put a - in front of results you dont want to see.

didnt think - alone worked, i thought it was - then brackets like: crap I do wanna see -(crap i dont want to see)

flibble - 19/4/12 at 03:30 PM

you only need barckets if you're putting more than one item on the "no" list, ie. stuff -(rubbish, tat, junk)