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Washing Machine.....
gregs - 23/6/12 at 08:22 AM

Our trusty AEG washing machine has started behaving strangly over the last couple of weeks.

Symptoms are -
When wet load, machine jumps (like 6 inches across the floor in one leap) when it starts to rotate drum. This has now been joined by an intermittent graunching noise at the same time.

I have never taken the back off a washing machine so wouldn't know whatn to look for, but any starting points? - bearings?

Thanks all


maccmike - 23/6/12 at 08:56 AM

Springs are always a possibility.
I changed some years ago, not too hard.
If you also did the bearing it'd be like brand new.
Give it a go.

rusty nuts - 23/6/12 at 09:28 AM

Wonder if the Haynes book on washing machines is any good?

owelly - 23/6/12 at 09:34 AM

As said look at the springs or it could have dampers. These can fail. Also check to see if there are any ballast blocks, usually concrete, and see if they have come loose.

hearbear - 23/6/12 at 10:14 AM

Sounds like the drum bearing has gone ours had similar symptoms

Paul_C - 23/6/12 at 10:19 AM

My old Hoover Washing machine did the same. The problem was that it was attempted to spin before having emptied the water out. It turned out to be the programmer failing to turn on the pump on certain programmes.

bobinspain - 23/6/12 at 12:09 PM

If you're unable to repair it and need to replace it, buy a Miele.
We've had an AEG, Bosch, Curry's own etc etc. Average time before a problem, circa 3 years. (5 washes a week).
Our first Miele lasted 15 years with no problems.
Second one is just 'run in' at 5 years old.
OK, they're twice the price, but they last four or five times as long.

Pete - Kit Car Zone - 23/6/12 at 01:45 PM

I'd say either the drum bearings (if it's making a grinding noise). Or if it's jumping about violently then I'd take a look at whatever springs / dampers are holding the drum and ballast (usually a lump of concrete) in place. Perhaps one of them needs replacing or has come a bit lose / needs re-attaching. While you're in there clean out the filters as well, always best to do it when your hands are already dirty . Also in the meantime try not to put too many items like big towels and sheets in there as they'll make it bounce even more when they're full of water.

Yep you guessed it. Had the same problem a few months back

morcus - 23/6/12 at 05:16 PM

I don't know much about this but the ballast is the first thing I'd be looking at.

paulf - 23/6/12 at 09:59 PM

Dont leave it to long , someone I used to know had one doing similar things and eventually the drum bearing collapsed during the spin cycle with a full load.The machine took off and destroyed the kitchen unit that it was fitted in under the work top.

sky12042 - 23/6/12 at 10:37 PM

We had a ballast come loose on a hotpoint and the machine was jumping around under the worktop and it put a few dents in the side casing before I managed to shut it off, would not like to have seen what it would have been like if we was not in at the time, thought it might have been the bearings but it was just a loose ballast easy job to take the top of, check YouTube some video on there of how to strip washing machine's.


gregs - 24/6/12 at 04:04 PM

Cheers guys - useful comments as always - will start with a bearing swap and look for the others when in there.