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What is Bernie on?
David Jenkins - 23/6/05 at 07:44 AM

Front page item on CNN's USA web page:

These are comments made to a very high-profile female racing driver in the USA (she's a rookie driver who led a lap at the Indianapolis 500, and ended up 4th overall - pretty damn good driving!)

He's a great ambassador for F1, isn't he...


[Edited on 23/6/05 by David Jenkins]

theconrodkid - 23/6/05 at 08:01 AM

a different planet?

mookaloid - 23/6/05 at 08:40 AM

It's not usually my style to comment on other people, but I have to say that Bernie seems to be losing it on a variety of issues.

[Edited on 23/6/05 by mookaloid]

Peteff - 23/6/05 at 11:33 AM

Sounds like he's getting his Viagra and Alzheimer's medication mixed up again.

James - 23/6/05 at 11:44 AM

He is 75 though isn't he?

Blimey, you should hear the daft things I hear *my* grandparents saying!


awinter - 23/6/05 at 11:49 AM

if he was an MP he'd be made to apologise and then probably be turfed out of the relavant party. Age is no excuse

[Edited on 23/6/05 by awinter]

Noodle - 23/6/05 at 11:56 AM

Looks like he's being ironic.

If you read the last paragraph with that in mind, the context makes sense.

These days context is nothing and content is all in media circles. Without context removal, there would be precious few stories.



andkilde - 23/6/05 at 01:29 PM

From the sound of it and given the repetition -- it looks like Bernie's humour may have been lost in translation.

Who among us has not formulated an hilarious one-liner which meets with gales of imaginary laughter in our heads and sad blank stares once past our lips?

That said, I've no time for him as the Emperor of F1 -- he's well past it on that front...

Cheers, Ted

David Jenkins - 23/6/05 at 01:51 PM

I agree with Ted and Neil - it was probably a light-hearted comment to be taken in context, that failed in translation (I have found that some Americans have a problem with irony )

The trouble is, when you've just pee'd off the US race fans you must choose your words carefully for a fair while afterwards, and in this instance he failed badly.


marcyboy - 23/6/05 at 01:57 PM

well lets face it its probably been miss quoted or certain important bits are missing form both parties..."bloody media"
anyway who cares!!
bloody F1... bloody media... and women know your place
just goes to show how easy the septic racing series is then if a bird came
and also explains how mansell won cart in his first yearin 1993

Fozzie - 23/6/05 at 02:16 PM

Originally posted by marcyboy
... and women know your place

oooOOOooo feeling threatend? dunno yoof of today....mutter mutter....with remarks like Bernies, is it any wonder us women car builders and us women racing drivers are a minority breed? We have enough to put up with...mutter wonder I stayed in the 'closet' on this site for 3 years! can ya wonder why?


steve_gus - 23/6/05 at 06:30 PM

If you had watched the race you would have found that she held her own and did a really good race against other long serving top qulity drivers.

Being in F1 is no measure of quality. I dont recall any european races where you have to consistently lap AVERAGES of 220+ mph over 500 miles.

Unless, of course, like bernie (?) you were being ironic.



David Jenkins - 23/6/05 at 07:39 PM

Originally posted by steve_gus
If you had watched the race you would have found that she held her own and did a really good race against other long serving top qulity drivers.

Even more impressive when you consider she's 5'1" and 100lbs (just over 7 stone) according to her website! Those cars are just as much a beast as F1's, in their own way.


Peteff - 23/6/05 at 07:47 PM

I think that would be moronic Steve .
.no wonder I stayed in the 'closet'. You're not gay as well as being a girlie are you Fozzie . Pop in the kitchen and make us a cuppa, there's a luv .

marcyboy - 23/6/05 at 08:01 PM

the only good women drivers i have met have been what you might call velvet tippers lol

Peteff - 23/6/05 at 08:10 PM

I think the hole's deep enough now marc, you can stop digging .

marcyboy - 23/6/05 at 09:01 PM

well its got to be a big hole to fit my carcase in it

[Edited on 23/6/05 by marcyboy]

gazza285 - 23/6/05 at 09:05 PM

Annika Sorenstam is a pretty good driver.

marcyboy - 23/6/05 at 09:12 PM

she's only a good driver cos she ...was born a he ...about par for the course.
ive got a mini digger now

Jonr - 23/6/05 at 09:28 PM

Danica Patrick,

Keiko Ihara, Japanese F3 driver

Susie Stoddart, Scottish F3 Driver

That german girl who made a complete arse of Clarkson in that diesel jag on thenurburgring

All better drivers than Bernie ever could be, far far far better than me, better than most if not all of everyone on here and Keiko Ihara looks better than any other driver in a swimsuit!!

Spot the kitchen appliance? What would you have around the house?

More women racing drivers the better as far as I am concerned, it keeps em off the roads!

Fozzie - 23/6/05 at 09:43 PM

No Pete, most definately not gay...the 'closet' was the male/female thing, not the 'gay' thing!
Now nip in t'kitchen and get me a coffee sugar ta! LOL

By the way Marc hows ya car build coming on?


mangogrooveworkshop - 23/6/05 at 10:59 PM

[Edited on 23-6-05 by mangogrooveworkshop]

marcyboy - 24/6/05 at 09:56 AM

Originally posted by Fozzie

By the way Marc hows ya car build coming on?


still not sure about the chassis might have to a single bench seat to take my lardie ass and still in need of a V12 kompressor for better a power to weight ratio...
but i'm always up for taking yours for a spin (i promise not to go over 1500 rpm) honest but i would have to sit on the tunnel

Fozzie - 24/6/05 at 12:04 PM

The fozzmobile doesn't even start to go until 3,000rpm, works even better at 5,750...
It just might scare you, if you're not used to going over 1,500 tho
Re chassis, bite the bullet and go for it!
Other alternative is, ahem, exercise and diet
There are loads of really great people on this site that will always give advice.....if needed!


marcyboy - 24/6/05 at 02:06 PM

well as it happens i'm a little heavy footed,
and a little playful so i like racing lines and powerslides,
but will need a full rollcage in mine not just for safety but to help hoist me out... i could even fit one of those gadgets too(you know the ones for helping the elderly and infirm out of their baths)

Fozzie - 24/6/05 at 02:14 PM

I can't wait to see the Marcyboy special!

Marc, are you, by any chance, the alter-ego of 'Bernie'?....

gazza285 - 24/6/05 at 02:53 PM

Which one Ecclestone or Manning?

Fozzie - 24/6/05 at 02:57 PM

Originally posted by gazza285
Which one Ecclestone or Manning?

Tee-hee!.. I was thinking ecclestone, as this thread is about his (ecclestones) obscure rantings but, manning will do...seeing as Marc is a self confessed lardy.


marcyboy - 24/6/05 at 03:15 PM

well as it happens i do resemble the frame of bernard manning but hes not 6'2"

as for being unpolitically correct no way ...
nevermind got to sort my loads out for the 1000yds shoot

Fozzie - 24/6/05 at 03:17 PM
