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Formula 1 Silverstone
carnut - 7/7/05 at 08:38 PM

Wheres a good place to watch from for those with general admission tickets?

Jon Ison - 7/7/05 at 08:40 PM

i like club corner........ you will have too be there before the gates open too get a decent spot....velly long day in front of you.

JoelP - 7/7/05 at 08:56 PM

at home, watching ITV wouldnt feel right without martin!

Surrey Dave - 7/7/05 at 09:18 PM

I wouldn't be able to see at all, my eyes would be full tears, 'cos of the price of the tickets...............

And I'm a fan!!!!!!!

Being a tight sod I went to the testing a few weeks ago for FREE.........

You get a great view from your settee, plus you've got a rough idea whats going on...

Kelvin - 7/7/05 at 09:29 PM

Always found Abbey (shame it's no longer just a kink) before Bridge a good place. again, be there early, and take an FM radio so you can tune in to the race coverage.

carnut - 7/7/05 at 09:44 PM

thanks for the info guys.

How early is early?

j30fos - 7/7/05 at 10:15 PM

we got there a few years back and at 4.30 am people were in sleeping bags as far as we could see.

We have seats bang oppersite schumees pits, in the grandstand, get to see all the dollies and cars scream off and we get to see the podium, were also lucky enough to be seated were we can see in between the building so a bit more of the track. The best thing about pay extra for a grandstand seat is that seat is yours for the whole weekend, if your standing and need the lav you loose your place :-(

getting giddy now :-) I get my new VX westy ( thought I'd try a CEC for a change :-) after the race the guy lives a few miles from the track :-) I just hope it doesn't rain.

[Edited on 7/7/05 by j30fos]

Jonr - 7/7/05 at 10:57 PM

you don't move when you need the lav, thats what the cople of bottles of water you took in are for!!!

But I know what you mean about the grandstands. Expensive for a posh wee though!!!! I'm in Luffield so will just about see the minardis and jordans 'scream' off.

Don't think youll get to abbey on a general walkabout ticket, thats a silver enclosure?? But you'll get between club and abbey. There's a good wwalkabout/bronze bit below luffield. Get to see a bit of the start finish as well.

Locost82 - 8/7/05 at 11:16 AM

I'm going to tape it and watch it later, so I can skip the annoying adverts. I still can't believe anybody buys something because they see it on an advert, especially when that advert is spoiling their enjoyment of what they actually want to watch.