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RS Catalogue
Noodle - 18/8/05 at 02:02 PM

Just rang RS Components (they of the electronic components fame) and asked for a catalogue.

They said I'd have to have an account and agree to spend a certain amount every six months. Or they said I could look at the website/CD.

I do enough computer crap and I want some paper! When you're unsure what you're looking for a paper catalogue is so much easier.

Silly sods.


Dillinger1977 - 18/8/05 at 02:53 PM

ive just been in maplin's and you have to pay 4 quid for their catalogue!
they can go and f...

liam.mccaffrey - 18/8/05 at 04:00 PM

have you seen the rs catalogue? it runs to six or seven volumes all together they are about 7 inches thick. they are much better to look through though i agree. shame theyre not easier to get hold off

indykid - 18/8/05 at 05:08 PM

they're hard backed as well, and come in a box to keep them all together.

i'm sure they like to advertise, but you can't go handing out half a tree, willy nilly.
we tried to get some for the dt department at school when i was in 6th form, and were politely told to go whistle. we weren't surprised when we figured out what we'd asked for.


steve_gus - 18/8/05 at 05:51 PM

The RS catalog is huge and must cost a lot more than a tenner to make. It is seven volumes and it is at least 7 ins thick. I suppose they dont want to give it away to you for free to buy a few quids worth of bits.

Have you asked if farnell will send you one?

I suspect the same conditions exist...



Jonr - 18/8/05 at 06:55 PM

We get about 6 sets delivered at work every 6 months or so. Half of em get chucked out as everyone uses the website. I'll have a look round tomorrow and see what's spare. Anyone really wants a set you can have em for postage (or swap) There heavy though, 7 ish inches of A4

[Edited on 18/8/05 by Jonr]

andyps - 19/8/05 at 08:51 AM

Farnell used to give them out - I got a set when I called there. Imagine how many people would take a Maplin catalogue for free from one of their stores and then maybe go in and spend £10 - it just would not be worth it to them, their website is good though.