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Feckin' hell!
Browser - 15/1/06 at 08:53 PM

Just sold a book on Ebay, Guy Croft: Modifying And Tuning Fiat/Lancia Twin-cam engines, not a mint copy by any means, £118.00!!!!!!
Apparrently it is now out of print and rather sought after, the winning bidder was in Chile fer fecks sake! Gob is well and truly smacked

graememk - 15/1/06 at 08:55 PM

lets hope you get the £££ i've been let down so many times on ebay.

Johnmor - 15/1/06 at 09:01 PM

My brother has the same book, told me that they were selling on Ebay.
Mint version went for something like £160.
Its a good book but please!

It madness, think the photo copier could come in handy!!!!

ray.h. - 15/1/06 at 09:24 PM

Yes make sure the funds clear (at least seven days) then check with the bank to make sure as well.A freind of mine waited a week then sent the item when it appeared on his statement as ok but it still bounced a week later.

Browser - 15/1/06 at 09:40 PM

Is that clear as in cheque or clear with Paypal? This geezer reckons to have sent via P.P. ansd as far as I'm aware, once I claim the money from them that's it, it's mine, right?

JoelP - 15/1/06 at 10:01 PM

unless the paypal transaction was funded by credit card, in which case he can get it back...

RazMan - 15/1/06 at 11:26 PM

Originally posted by JoelP
unless the paypal transaction was funded by credit card, in which case he can get it back...

Eh? Surely if you have transferred the dosh into your normal bank there is no chance of him claiming it back unless there is some kind of dispute (normally conducted by eBay/Paypal themselves)

Peteff - 15/1/06 at 11:45 PM

Unless he never gets the goods he has no complaint and it's up to the credit card company to refund him and seek recompense. Don't worry about something that's not likely to happen anyway, check his feedback and if he's straight no problem. Does he want an engine to practise on, I've got one in the shed?

[Edited on 15/1/06 by Peteff]

DaveFJ - 16/1/06 at 09:12 AM

you can't be sure of an overseass check for up to 6 months! so PP is deffinatley the better option.........

mike smith1 - 16/1/06 at 02:35 PM

My step dad visits Guy Croft with work and we have a signed copy at home signed by him dec 05

Should be a good seller if he wants to get rid!
