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rrp of wii
Jon Ison - 8/12/06 at 09:55 PM

whats the rrp of these ?

Aboardman - 8/12/06 at 09:56 PM

think 179.99 inc sports game

Jon Ison - 8/12/06 at 09:58 PM

just watchin em finish on ebay for double that.

Hellfire - 8/12/06 at 10:08 PM

We ordered one about 1 month ago from GAME... they have sold out their batch of 6000 and stopped taking orders for pre-xmas delivery... so, basically if you haven't ordered one you ain't going to get one before xmas unless you pay daft prices...


ceebmoj - 9/12/06 at 05:29 AM

Hi there,

I orderer two a couples of months a go with the intention of ebaying one and keeping the othere and allI can say is the wii roocks yes the graphics are not a as good as the 360 but its great fun.

and a bonus my wii was nicly subsidised.


oliwb - 9/12/06 at 09:49 AM

Having fiddled with Marks 360 yesterday (ooo-er!) I can safely say that I shan't be passing go and collecting 200 punds and will be going directly to PC world who are having a sale on 360's at the moment where I shall purchase sed xbox and revel in the domestic chaos that will inevitably ensue! Oli.

Paul G - 9/12/06 at 11:17 AM

I got one from Currys for £160 delivered with a discount code off the internet. Turned up yesterday morning, spent a few hours playing it and then put my shoulder out playing the tennis game! promptly sold it for £430 on ebay!! I will be getting another one when my shoulders better though they are a lovely piece of kit - I'll just make sure I do a proper warm up next time I play!

[Edited on 9/12/06 by Paul G]