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You thought your garage had hidden goodies!
Alan_Thomas - 26/1/07 at 05:28 PM

This link picks up a Portugese thread, factory unit which had had the doors welded shut for 15years.
They finally opened them!


- Alan

RazMan - 26/1/07 at 05:32 PM

Flippin eck !!

Guinness - 26/1/07 at 05:34 PM

That's where I left them!

I don't understand a word of Portugese, but I guess the whole of that thread is people going "eh?" or "wow"



ricklawn - 26/1/07 at 05:34 PM

and i thought my local garage was slow

stevec - 26/1/07 at 05:35 PM

One word, WOW.

peterparsons - 26/1/07 at 05:35 PM

WOW. what a find !

cossiebri - 26/1/07 at 05:38 PM

Don't you wish you had just bought that place and then opened the doors.........

suparuss - 26/1/07 at 05:58 PM

bet he had to pinch himself a few times! what a goldmine. hell probably be crying though as soon as he realises hes gotta clean up all the bird poo.

ayoungman - 26/1/07 at 06:08 PM

theres a joke somewhere about Darren and gts customer services, but I aint going there

speedyxjs - 26/1/07 at 06:44 PM

finding that place must be better than winning the lottery!!!

Jon Ison - 26/1/07 at 06:46 PM

What are those single seaters at the btm of 1st page ?

I could retire on that find.

zetec7 - 26/1/07 at 06:54 PM

That find is better than winning the lottery. In fact, there's lots of stuff in there I'd buy if I won the lottery! The stuff dreams are made of.......

jack trolley - 26/1/07 at 06:54 PM

Remember the Schlumpf Bros.?

goodall - 26/1/07 at 07:42 PM

how did no one know they were all there?

i wish i could open a shed like that some day!!

NDC790 - 26/1/07 at 08:34 PM

I want to buy some where and find that in my back garden. Please god!

Simon - 26/1/07 at 08:40 PM

'bout £100 scrap per car, must be worth at least 10 grand!



roadrunner - 26/1/07 at 08:45 PM

Imagine the road tax bill

DarrenW - 26/1/07 at 09:47 PM

All those cars and not a donor Sierra in sight!!! I bet they were gutted when they opened it up. I bet the rent bill adds up to quite a bit as well on the building.

goodall - 26/1/07 at 11:00 PM

surely who ever would have been paying rent for 15 years would have known they were there. i think the person got the place as inheritance or got it at a auction for cheap and didnt know about the collection

martyn_16v - 26/1/07 at 11:10 PM

You thought your garage had hidden goodies!

No, I know my garage is actually full of crap. Which incidentally i've just started putting on ebay

owelly - 27/1/07 at 12:22 AM

Knowing my luck, I'd have the plod knocking on my door asking why I had a shedfull of stolen classic cars and the remains of several missing people!!!!