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merry christmas all!!!
NS Dev - 24/12/07 at 03:11 PM

merry christmas all on locostbuilders!!

about to sign off for a few days so have fun, eat lots of food, drink lots (no driving!!) and generally be merry!!

see ya soon

Danozeman - 24/12/07 at 03:13 PM

Same to you thanks mate. I think im driving all christmas so i wont be drinking much!!

Dave J - 24/12/07 at 03:22 PM

Merry Christmas to you too and all the guys and gals on the forum.

Have fun

Looking forward to a few blats in the new year.

All the best


ReMan - 24/12/07 at 04:32 PM

Cheers Nat.
And of course the same to one and all here, thanks to to Chris for keeping it going.

David Jenkins - 24/12/07 at 04:55 PM

Yep - best wishes to everyone!