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JoelP - 14/5/08 at 06:15 PM

surely these two deserve death just for looking like this? You'd laugh at the photos if their crime wasnt so grave:

Wadders - 14/5/08 at 06:23 PM

What did they do Joel?

Originally posted by JoelP
surely these two deserve death just for looking like this? You'd laugh at the photos if their crime wasnt so grave:

iank - 14/5/08 at 06:23 PM

theconrodkid - 14/5/08 at 06:40 PM

pikies,i hope they have a nice time in the showers

mistergrumpy - 14/5/08 at 06:52 PM

I don't believe that these two should be put to death as that would put them in the same position as the poor fellow they've killed. In my opinion they should be made to serve their age (26/27?) in hard toil and suffering, especially as they've never had a days work in their lives. There are people in 3rd world countries that barely scratch a life, walking miles for water yet still don't go around liberating and killing people so to me this pair are on a far lower level and their lives should reflect this. They should be made to work and earn the right to life, before finally proving that they are worthy enough to ever be back in society company again. Sometimes death is just to easy.

mookaloid - 14/5/08 at 07:25 PM

Bullet in the back of the head and send the bill for the bullets to the families

dubstar_04 - 14/5/08 at 07:34 PM

Bring back the stocks and let people stone them.

Them two make me feel ashamed to be a human!!

AndyTTC - 14/5/08 at 08:38 PM

Originally posted by mookaloid
Bullet in the back of the head and send the bill for the bullets to the families

That's too good for them.

I suggest the following - daily torture, live on the interweb, to the point of unconsciousness, then put onto a drip and/or life support until they regain consciousness. Once the public gets bored of that, send them off for medical testing - AIDS drugs sounds like a good plan, as is cancer research. That way they'll at least contribute something to the human race to which their membership should have revoked at birth.

I'll be running for public office - whose vote will I get?

JoelP - 14/5/08 at 09:06 PM

i think it is a failed aim, to think everyone can be rehabilitated. We need to be a bit more brutal and trim the dead wood, for the sake of the race as a whole. Few would miss this sorry pair.

omega 24 v6 - 14/5/08 at 09:25 PM


I'll be running for public office - whose vote will I get?

Mine for a start. And if the pays good with a final salary pension and prp then I apply for "trigger man"
cnuts like this only deserve the death penalty

zetec7 - 14/5/08 at 09:30 PM

Too true. Here in Canada, "life in prison" means roughly 5 years, the they get outings in the public. Several recently have killed other people while on these "outings". If they had been executed in the first place, it would not have happened, and those other innocent families would not have been destroyed. My favorite quote - "The rate of recidivism amongst summarily executed criminals is exceedingly low."

liam.mccaffrey - 14/5/08 at 11:52 PM

mister grumpy is the closest i think

02GF74 - 15/5/08 at 07:21 AM

Originally posted by mistergrumpy
I don't believe that these two should be put to death as that would put them in the same position as the poor fellow they've killed.

sorry ,mate but b*ll*cks.

why should my taxes go on clothing, feeding, guarding and homing, not to mention medical treatment, for scum like this?

It makes financial sense to bump them off as soon as possible.

Will it act as an deterent? Who really cares but the money saved could well be put to hostpitals for terminaly ill kiddies.

mistergrumpy - 15/5/08 at 09:02 AM

No no, my point exactly. Have you read the rest after that line. Let them fend for themselves. Provide their own clothes and food. Let them barely scratch a life at their own expense and not mine. They deserve no assistance from the rest of society I agree with that.
Summat a bit like that film with Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman. Papillon I think. Just cast them out.

[Edited on 15/5/08 by mistergrumpy]

woodster - 15/5/08 at 09:22 AM

my idea is to recycle them use all their organs and bits and pieces then compost the rest

mistergrumpy - 15/5/08 at 09:34 AM

Environmentalist eh? I think I remember seeing these recycle bins down at Tesco next to glass bottles

AndyTTC - 15/5/08 at 09:59 AM

What about bio-diesel? I hear it's great for the environment!

I know bringing back capital punishment won't win many votes as that's "not nice", or something...but instead of life sentences, why not recycle them into bio-diesel and give the fuel to the victims' families. With fuel prices sky-rocketing, and the general public's obsession with being "green", this could be a very popular policy!

nick205 - 15/5/08 at 12:22 PM

eye for an eye in my view - line them up and run the feckers over repeating as many times as neccessary to induce painful death