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is WWWIII ....
02GF74 - 13/6/08 at 12:38 PM

.... around the conrner?

something's got to give .....

Bluemoon - 13/6/08 at 12:42 PM

Yep, but i don't get it. Why don't they just pass the cost of the fuel onto the customers... The ones that don't will go bust..


Benzine - 13/6/08 at 01:05 PM

lol daily mail

Duncan_P - 13/6/08 at 01:14 PM

Originally posted by Bluemoon
Yep, but i don't get it. Why don't they just pass the cost of the fuel onto the customers... The ones that don't will go bust..

This might be the 'easy' fix for the smaller companies with short term contracts, but for the bigger companies with longer term fixed contracts this won't be an option. They would probably have to re-negotiate whole contracts.....although having said that i think a lot of companies will now be writing a 'fuel surcharge' (like airlines) into their contracts now.

The other issue with passing on costs is that eventually it feeds down to the general populance driving up inflation amoung other things. This is probably why a lot of the countries mentioned in the (typical mail style) article are talking about supsidising the worst hit i.e. haulage companies.

[Edited on 13/6/08 by Duncan_P]