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Type 9 to bellhousing question
oldtimer - 15/7/09 at 01:34 PM

I have 2 type 9 gearboxes and have come to fit my alloy bellhousing. One type 9, at the input end, just has the alloy oil seal housing and the bellhousing fits up nice and snug. OK. The other type 9 - the one I want to use - has a small plate secured by3 allen bolts underneath the oil seal housing and which interferes with the bellhousing. So, why has one type 9 got a plate there and the other not? and, if others have come accross this what have you done? - is it OK to remove alloy from the bell housing where this plate is??
Thanks in anticipation.

BearingKits - 15/7/09 at 04:25 PM

The box with the bolt in bush is a "modified" type, commonly found on Transit, 2.8 4x4 and some 2.8 2wd versions (rare).

The term "uprated" is also used for this box as it uses a large cylindrical roller bearing at the front of the laygear instead of needles and the bolt is shaft you can see from outside.

The original Ford bellhousing will have a cut out to clear the bolt in bush.

The modified bellhousing gasket will also be the shape you need.

oldtimer - 15/7/09 at 04:37 PM

Thanks for that, I have spoken to BGH and all is sorted now and the bellhousing fitted. Thanks.