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another engine problem
gy351100 - 15/9/08 at 04:42 PM

Curing the problems one by one.
But so far this one has me beat.
Ran the engine to check cooling and fan function.
Engine ran for about 15 minutes, nice and smooth and no visible exhaust, till the fan cut in, all seemed ok.
Had a break for an hour and when I went back to started the engine again at which point it belched out black smoke and stopped.
When attempting to restart, it started without smoke and died imediately.
If I open the throttle slightly it will run but when I let go the throttle it dies.
That is the current position.
Checked fuel pump ok.
Checked fuel flow ok.
Checked all electrical connections ok.
One thing I notice is when the engine stops there is what sounds like a relieve of pressure/ vacuum.
Any ideas anyone.

[Edited on 15/9/08 by gy351100]

Miks15 - 15/9/08 at 04:57 PM

sorry m8 i cant help, but it might be useful if you say what the engine is and brief explanation of the setup... might help the cleverer among us to figure it out

Paul (Notts) - 15/9/08 at 05:22 PM

Q. What do the plugs look like?

When I first ran mine it was way to rich and fouled the plugs up.


BenB - 15/9/08 at 05:27 PM

Yes- running rich can soot up the plugs and make idling tricky. Particularly, it seems, on bike engines whose plugs appear to be rather more fragile than car plugs....
Pop out the plugs and have a shoofty (preferably replace them altogether). If you ran it for 15 minutes at idle they could well be quite black and sooty....

Paul TigerB6 - 15/9/08 at 05:28 PM

Is the sound coming from the engine or rear of the car?? If its the engine then i'd suggest a blocked crankcase breather, if the back then the petrol tank needs a breather. If there is a vacuum forming in the tank then you wont get a fuel supply but to be honest i'd have thought it would have died sooner and start again after leaving it a while.

davidwag - 15/9/08 at 06:46 PM


As above, some idea of what you're running would be an advantage, or else we're all just stabbing in the dark.


turboben - 15/9/08 at 07:35 PM

Sounds a bit mad but theres not a blockage in the exhaust or inlet is there? Has been known to happen to tin tops and makes that noise. Might be worth a look?
