posted on 2/7/10 at 08:03 AM |
ECU Advice needed
I'm looking to get an ECU sorted out this month, as part of ghathering parts for the winters FI conversion.
I need some advice with regards to and ECU, I think its down to the following three:
OMEX 710 - feature rich, but expensive, none of the othes in the omex range support 6 cylinders.
Emerald - Seems to have the most enthusiastic and helpfull support team behind it.
Megasuirt - Cheapest, but seems to be the most 'you're on your own' as far as setup is concerned.
posted on 2/7/10 at 08:07 AM |
I`m not convincedv emerald gives good support, I asked how their serial protocol works and it was ignored, althought did give me there can protocol
NOTE:This user is registered as a LocostBuilders trader and may offer commercial services to other users
posted on 2/7/10 at 08:17 AM |
If you buy a built megasquirt from Phil at Extra EFI he will give you good personal support and there is plenty of internet forum help and advice.
imp paul
posted on 2/7/10 at 09:16 AM |
hello Pete try this lots of people use DTA i have a s60 its mint http://www.dtafast.co.uk/index.shtml 
posted on 2/7/10 at 09:16 AM |
The only issue potentially with 'squirt is that if you take it to a RR for a tune-up some places aren't used to it whereas Emerald is
rather more mainstream.....
flak monkey
posted on 2/7/10 at 09:32 AM |
The support from Omex is fantastic - they have really knowledgable staff who spend a lot of their day actually working on engines and setting them up
so they really do know how their product works inside out.
Phil at Extra EFI is also incredibly helpful when it comes to MS.
posted on 2/7/10 at 10:27 AM |
I'd have to agree with Flak on this one, I've an old 500 ecu.
Andy at Omex couldn't have been more helpful, including sorting out a ecu check over for a unit they didn't supply (secondhand)
ATB Dan.
The less I worked, the more i liked it.
posted on 2/7/10 at 11:07 AM |
quote: Originally posted by r1_pete
I'm looking to get an ECU sorted out this month, as part of ghathering parts for the winters FI conversion.
I need some advice with regards to and ECU, I think its down to the following three:
OMEX 710 - feature rich, but expensive, none of the othes in the omex range support 6 cylinders.
Emerald - Seems to have the most enthusiastic and helpfull support team behind it.
Megasuirt - Cheapest, but seems to be the most 'you're on your own' as far as setup is concerned.
my experiance is
Omex, i looked at buying a second hand Omex ECU and spoke to them direct and they were very helpfull with base maps and info.
Emerald, i ended up buyind a secondhand emerald ECU, as know others with them and Emerald is local to me, as for support, it can be mixed think
limited as business is maybe only 4 people, email answers can be patchy, can be better by phone, or went in inperson and it was great.
Megasquirt, again i considdered this and spoke to Phil at extraefi again as local to me, lots of info and help available, but i believe you do need a
good grounding in working of megasquirt to be able to interprit the questions you ask and the answers you get (which felt i didnt have!)
to sum it up, if you are running anything more than a standard engine which will suit a base map, i think you will be looking to get it Mapped on a
rolling road. so i think the main thing is pick a ECU that you can get locally mapped at a reasonable price, no point in saving £200 on a ECU if it
cost an additional £200 in transport and RR.
posted on 2/7/10 at 11:32 AM |
quote: Originally posted by will121
to sum it up, if you are running anything more than a standard engine which will suit a base map, i think you will be looking to get it Mapped on a
rolling road. so i think the main thing is pick a ECU that you can get locally mapped at a reasonable price, no point in saving £200 on a ECU if it
cost an additional £200 in transport and RR.
Speak to the RR operator that you plan to use and see what he / she recommends...
It's Evolution Baby!
rusty nuts
posted on 2/7/10 at 08:25 PM |
I'm using an Emerald ECU and found them very helpful , phoning seemed to be the best way to contact them . Dave Walker knows his onions!
atspeed racing
posted on 13/7/10 at 03:02 PM |
OMEX ALL THE WAY!!!! for product quality and customer service.
the 710 is on par with professional systems costing twice as much.
NOTE:This user is registered as a LocostBuilders trader and may offer commercial services to other users
posted on 13/7/10 at 04:58 PM |
OMEX 710 may be excellent, but £750 isn't locost.
Personally I think Megasquirt is good if you don't mind learning as you go along. For me that is a good thing.
If you need to get it mapped at a rolling road (and with a lambda probe it may be possible to do a decent job of fueling without this), then you want
to make sure that they can handle MS.
The RR folk are wary because it is different to what they are used to, and they don't know what to expect, especially as some installs might not
be to the highest standard because of its budget nature.
I think the RR operators might expect the customer to provide more input (i.e. take some responsibility) with MS versus some of the more familiar
ECU's. That was the impression I got when I contacted a local rolling road. They said that they could do some power runs but that I would
have to be familiar with the software.
Seemed fair to me,